Ester Manna
University of Barcelona
Monday 10 February 2025 - Friday 21 February 2025

Associate Professor of Economics with tenure (Professora Agregada Serra Húnter) in the Department of Economics at the Universitat de Barcelona...



Alessandro de Chiara
Monday 04 November 2024 - Friday 15 November 2024

Visiting sur le projet SMI INSHS-CNRS "L&E of Artificial Intelligence".


Associate Professor (with tenure) at the Department of Economics of the Universitat de Barcelona (Section of Economic Theory)...


Omar Sene
University Alioune Diop
Monday 23 September 2024 - Friday 11 October 2024
Paul Makdissi
University of Ottawa
Thursday 19 September 2024 - Friday 18 October 2024
Alain Guay
University of Québec
Monday 09 October 2023 - Sunday 22 October 2023

Alain Guay, Professor of Economics at the University of Québec in Montreal (UQàM), will be at EconomiX for a stay from October 9 to 22, 2023. His areas of research focus on economic cycles, econometrics and quantitative methods. His areas of specialization fall within the themes of the International Macroeconomics, Banking and Financial Econometrics research axis of the EconomiX laboratory and the teaching provided in the Mention Master's degree in Applied Economics from the Economics Department of the University of Paris Nanterre. Due to his strong integration into teaching and research teams, he invites regularly as a guest professor in the laboratory. The courses he teaches leave much room for sharing his experience as a researcher with Master's students. He also actively participates in the life of the laboratory by commenting on the research papers of a certain number of teacher-researchers and doctoral students. His arrival is, therefore, an opportunity to consolidate the links between the two universities to encourage student mobility and research collaborations. During his stay, he will meet doctoral students and teacher-researchers from Economics. He will also teach a course at the level of the Applied Economics Master's degree. This approach will focus on accurate cycle models with applications related to his research themes.

Fayçal Hamdi
University of Science and Technology
Sunday 08 October 2023 - Sunday 22 October 2023

Fayçal Hamdi, professor of statistics at the University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene (USTHB, Algiers), will be at EconomiX from October 8 to 22. His areas of research related to the modelling of time series with applications to economic and, more particularly, financial data. He regularly collaborates with Saïd Souam on research on the modelling of periodic time series with applications to the exchange rates of the Algerian dinar. Their work initially focused on the univariate case. In a second step, this research was extended to multivariate analyses, which allow a better understanding of these relatively complex phenomena. This has made it possible to better understand, particularly for oil-producing countries, how the volatility of hydrocarbon prices affects exchange rates, alongside other financial and economic variables. In pursuit of this research, Messaoud Zouikri and Saïd Souam have started a research project with Fayçal Hamdi on the impact of the complexity of economies on their growth through the mobilization of the panel Buffer model developed in our previous work. This stay will ultimately be an opportunity to finalize this article and start others. He will provide a course for doctoral students and teacher-researchers on stochastic modelling applied to financial and economic data and lead a research seminar.

Tobias Kretschmmer
Ludwig Maximilian University
Sunday 08 October 2023 - Friday 13 October 2023

Tobias Kretschmmer, professor at the Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) in Munich, will stay at EconomiX from October 8 to October 13. His areas of research focus on the digital economy, which he uses with different approaches in economics (industrial economics, applied economics, microeconometrics), management ("strategic management", "organization science"), and information systems. Without this being exclusive, his areas of specialization fall within the themes of the DIRIS research axis of the laboratory, as well as in the courses offered within the master's degree in Economics of Law at UFR SEGMI. Therefore, his visit, after that of 2022, will be an opportunity to discuss with him both during research seminars and for students to benefit from courses related to his most recent research work. It would also be an opportunity to develop new links both from the point of view of research and teaching.

Ken Yahagi
Seikei University (Japan)
Friday 01 September 2023 - Sunday 01 October 2023

Ken Yahagi from Seikei University in Tokyo (Japan) will be at EconomiX from September 1 to October 1, 2023. His work has been published in the best international journals on issues of the economy of crime and law enforcement which interest several researchers of the DIRIS axis. In particular, several articles (criminal policy and political market/democracy) are directly based on recent work previously published by members of the DIRIS axis. This visit follows discussions that have remained informal until now on potential areas of research. It will make it possible to explore distinct possibilities and thus move forward on joint work. In addition, it is a question of reviving the relations initiated before the covid crisis with the most dynamic researchers of the L&E association in the Asian zone (discussions relating to international calls or educational projects). In parallel with the scientific project, he will provide a session of the LIEN seminar and readings in the Doctoral School and the Master's in Economics of Law in M1 and M2. Individual interviews will also be organized with Economix doctoral students and second-year students of the Law Economics master's degree.

Nejat Anbarci
Durham University (UK)
Friday 28 April 2023 - Thursday 11 May 2023

Nejat Anbarci, Professor of Economics at the University of Durham (United Kingdom), will spend a month at EconomiX from April 28 to May 11, 2023. His fields of interest are behavioral economics, theory games, mechanism design and decision theory. His theoretical and empirical research areas are mainly in line with the theme "Behavioral economics and uncertainties" of the DDEE axis of the Economix laboratory. His contribution to the scientific life of the laboratory will be rich and varied since he will provide a session of the Lunch seminar and lead intervention in the Artificial Intelligence Working Group. His visit will allow him to set up a project developed by him and Remzi Uctum on the analysis of investment behavior in the financial markets in the light of prospect theory which, based on an experimental approach, describes the complex attitude of agents towards risk in a context of gain or loss. Alongside the exchanges he will carry out with doctoral students around their scientific projects, he will provide doctoral teaching on an intuitive approach to Nash's bargaining theory.

Axel Gautier
University of Liège
Monday 27 March 2023 - Saturday 08 April 2023

Axel Gautier, Professor at the University of Liège, is a researcher well known to members of the DIRIS-EconomiX axis since he has participated in workshops organized by the axis and came to present his research at the LIEN seminar.

He will be invited for a two-week stay from March 27 to April 8, 2023, at Economix. It will make it possible to extend recent discussions to collaborate between Economix and the HEC Management School of the University of Liège.

As part of the latter, several researchers from the DIRIS-EconomiX axis will travel to Liège next February for a working group whose purpose will be to discuss the various joint research projects that could be developed in the short and medium term. In the digital economy and artificial intelligence field, and to reflect on longer-term partnerships within the framework of national/European calls for projects.

Miracle Benhura
University of the Witwatersrand
Monday 14 November 2022 - Monday 21 November 2022

Miracle Benhura, Associate Professor at the University of the Witwatersrand will be visiting EconomiX from November 14 to 21, 2022. Her research interests are in labour, development and applied microeconomics. She is collaborating with Eliane El Badaoui on research focusing on gender-based violence in South Africa funded by NRF South Africa and PHC Protea. This visit will provide an opportunity of working extensively on the empirical analysis that explores intergenerational transmission of violent behaviours, the effect of female political representation and employment opportunities on domestic violence, and how domestic violence affects child outcomes.

Prudence Magejo
University of the Witwatersrand
Monday 14 November 2022 - Monday 21 November 2022

Prudence Magejo, Associate Professor at the University of the Witwatersrand will be visiting EconomiX from November 14 to 21, 2022. Her research interests are in development, labour and family economics. She is collaborating with Eliane El Badaoui on research focusing on gender-based violence in South Africa funded by NRF South Africa and PHC Protea. This visit will provide an opportunity of working extensively on the empirical analysis that explores intergenerational transmission of violent behaviours, the effect of female political representation and employment opportunities on domestic violence, and how domestic violence affects child outcomes.

Alain Guay
University of Quebec (Montreal)
Monday 17 October 2022 - Tuesday 01 November 2022

Alain Guay, professor of economics at the University of Quebec in Montreal, will spend two weeks at EconomiX starting October 17. His research areas focus on business cycles, econometrics and quantitative methods. His areas of specialization fall within the themes of the International Macroeconomics, Banking and Financial Econometrics research axis of the laboratory and the teaching provided in the Applied Economics Master's Degree of the Economics Department of the University of Paris Nanterre. Due to his strong integration within the teaching and research teams, he has been the subject of regular invitations. The courses he gives leave much room for sharing his experience as a researcher with Master's students. He also actively participates in the life of the laboratory by commenting on the research papers of a certain number of teacher-researchers and doctoral students. Therefore, his arrival is an opportunity to consolidate the links between the two universities and encourage student mobility and research collaborations. During his stay, he will meet the doctoral students and teacher-researchers of the laboratory. He will also teach a course at the Applied Economics Master's degree level, a practice focusing on accurate cycle models with applications related to his research themes.

Tobias Kretschmmer
Ludwig Maximilian University (Munich)
Friday 30 September 2022 - Thursday 13 October 2022

Tobias Kretschmmer, professor at the Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) in Munich, will stay at EconomiX from September 30 to October 13. His areas of research focus on the digital economy, which he uses with different approaches in economics (industrial economics, applied economics, microeconometrics), management ("strategic management", "organization science"), and information systems. Without this being exclusive, his areas of specialization fall within the themes of the DIRIS research axis of the laboratory, as well as in the courses offered within the master's degree in Economics of Law at UFR SEGMI. Therefore, his visit will be an opportunity to discuss with him both during research seminars and for students to benefit from courses related to his most recent research work. It would also be an opportunity to develop new links both from the point of view of research and teaching.

Stéphane Méchoulan
Dalhousie university (Canada)
Thursday 01 September 2022 - Friday 30 September 2022

Stéphane Méchoulan, professor of economics at the School of Public Administration at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada, will stay at EconomiX in September 2022. He conducts research in the field of Law & Economics (L&E) which are part of the themes of the "Law, Institutions, Regulations and Strategic Interactions" axis of the laboratory. He has already had the opportunity to participate in exchanges with members of EconomiX, particularly during a previous visit in 2020. He will continue his work undertaken with Benjamin Monnery evaluating the experiment in progress, Assize courts without a citizen juror in several courts in France. This system will be generalized to the whole of France at the start of 2023. According to the Ministry of Justice, this legal innovation should make it possible to accelerate the timeframes for judgments of the most severe offenses ( crimes of up to 20 years imprisonment) to avoid the conventionalization of certain cases while offering quality justice. In parallel with the official evaluation, which the Government must carry out, an independent scientific assessment by a team of specialized researchers seems necessary. This project has been under construction for several months. It is the subject of international funding requests to support the collection of qualitative data and the quantitative data already obtained from the ministerial statistical services (Justice, Interior). Alongside the scientific projects developed with DIRIS researchers, he will provide a session of the LIEN seminar and a guest lecture for students of the Master's in Economics of Law (EdD). It will also offer a doctoral seminar to doctoral students. Individual interviews will also organize with Master EdD students as well as EconomiX doctoral students who so wish, in particular, to advise them in their dissertation and thesis work.

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