Assessing the contribution of banks, insurance and other financial services to systemic risk

2014, vol.47, pp.270-287

Oscar Bernal, Jean-Yves Gnabo, Gregory Guilmin

Journal of Banking and Finance


The intra-day impact of communication on euro-dollar volatility and jumps

2014, vol.47, pp.270-287

Hans Dewachter, Deniz Erdemlioglu, Jean-Yves Gnabo, Christelle Lecourt

Journal of International Money and Finance


A bootstrap test for cojump identification on the S&P 500, US bonds and exchange rate

2014, vol.48, pp.147-174

Jean-Yves Gnabo, Lyudmyla Hvozdyk, Jerome Lahaye

Journal of International Money and Finance


The impact of goals and public rewards on a prosocial behavior: An exploratory economic experiment

2014, vol.22, pp.305-311

Sandrine Costa, Katherine Farrow, Gilles Grolleau, Lisette Ibanez

Applied Economics Letters


Commodity and Equity Markets: Some Stylized Facts from a Copula Approach


Anne-Laure Delatte, Claude Lopez

Journal of Banking and Finance


The demand for money in China revisited. Understanding Money Demand in the Transition from a Centrally Planned to a Market Economy

2014, pp.376-400

Anne-Laure Delatte, Julien Fouquau, Carsten Holz

Post-Communist Economies


Is the European sovereign crisis self-fulfilling? Empirical evidence about the drivers of market sentiments

2014, vol.42, pp.38-51

Catherine Bruneau, Anne-Laure Delatte, Julien Fouquau

Journal of Macroeconomics


Constraints on Developmental Regionalism in Low-Income Countries: the Limitations of Convergence Policies

2014, vol.48, pp.1-27

Alice Nicole Sindzingre

Kobe University Law Review


The Impact of Emerging Countries on Sub-Saharan African Economies: Factors of Long-Term Growth?

2014, vol.1, pp.420-418

Alice Nicole Sindzingre

JUNCO (Journal of Universities and International Development Cooperation, Università degli Studi di Torino)


The Manipulation of Basel Risk-Weights


Mike Mariathasan, Ouarda Merrouche

Journal of Financial intermediation


Règles Budgétaires Strictes et Stabilité Macroéconomique : Le Cas de la TVA Sociale

2014, vol.65, pp.543-556

Patrick Fève, Julien Matheron, Jean-Guillaume Sahuc

Revue Economique


Nonlinear Monetary Policy Reaction Functions in Large Emerging Economies: The Case of Brazil and China

2014, vol.46, pp.0-0

Fredj Jawadi, Sushanta Mallick, Ricardo Sousa

Applied Economics


The Relationship between Consumption and Wealth: A Quantile Regression Approach

2014, vol.124, pp.639-652

Fredj Jawadi, Sushanta Mallick, Ricardo Sousa

Revue d'Economie Politique


Are Cartel Fines Optimal? Theory and Evidence From the European Union

2014, vol.42, pp.38-47

Marie-Laure Allain, Marcel Boyer, Rachidi Kotchoni, Jean-Pierre Ponssard

International Review of Law and Economics


Adaptive Realized Kernels

2014, vol.13, pp.757-797

Marine Carrasco, Rachidi Kotchoni

Journal of Financial Econometrics


Free Riding

2014, vol.36, pp.359-376

Philippe Fontaine

Journal of the History of Economic Thought


The Real Exchange Rate and External Competitiveness in Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia

2014, vol.10, pp.25-51

Zuzana Brixiova, Balázs Egert, Essid Thouraya Hadj Amor

Review of Middle East Economics and Finance


Fiscal policy reaction to the cycle in the OECD: pro- or counter-cyclical?

2014, vol.2014, pp.35-52

Balázs Egert

Mondes en développement


La Fed a 100 ans Aux origine d'une banque centrale

2014, vol., pp.82-94

Laurent Le Maux, Laurence Scialom

Economie Politique


Recipients Aid Absorption in the New Development Cooperation Landscape

2014, vol.34, pp.1929-1944

Eric Gabin Kilama

Economics Bulletin


La Corse est-elle soluble dans le modèle méditerranéen ? Une analyse à partir d’une régression quantile sur données d’entreprises en panel entre 2004 et 2010

2014, vol., pp.677-718

Aziza Garsaa, Nadine Levratto, Luc Tessier

Revue d'Economie Régionale et Urbaine


Risk Model-at-Risk

2014, vol.44, pp.0-0

Christophe Boucher, Jon Danielsson, Patrick Kouontchou, Bertrand Maillet

Journal of Banking and Finance


CDS européens : la spéculation sous contrôle

2014, vol., pp.0-0

Virginie Coudert, Nicolas Maggiar

Revue Banque


Population growth in polluting industrialization

2014, vol.36, pp.229-247

Karine Constant, Carine Nourry, Thomas Seegmuller

Resource and Energy Economics


Currency Crises Early Warning Systems: Why They Should Be Dynamic

2014, vol.30, pp.1016-1029

Bertrand Candelon, Elena Ivona Dumitrescu, Christophe Hurlin

International Journal of Forecasting


Marché du travail et politique monétaire aux Etats-Unis : débats actuels et enjeux

2014, vol., pp.113-124

Laurent Ferrara, Giulia Sestieri

Bulletin de la Banque de France


L'incertain dans la révolution keynésienne : l'hypothèse Wittgenstein .. trente ans aprés

2014, vol.48, pp.1757-1803

Olivier Favereau

Economies et Sociétés série Histoire de la Pensée Economique


The Dutch disease effect in a high versus low oil dependent countries

2014, vol.21, pp.33-75

Jean-Pierre Allegret, Mohamed Tahar Benkhodja

Energy Studies Review


L’activité réduite en France : effet d’enfermement et effet tremplin

2014, vol., pp.25-37

Florent Fremigacci, Antoine TERRACOL

Travail et Emploi


La responsabilité sociale et environnementale des entreprises: moteur de la transition énergétique?

2014, vol.148, pp.349-381

Patricia Crifo, Vanina Forget

Revue d'Economie Industrielle

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