Désinflation et Chômage dans la Zone Euro : Une Analyse à l’Aide d’un Modèle VAR Structurel

2011, vol.99/100, pp.365-394

Patrick Fève, Julien Matheron, Jean-Guillaume Sahuc

Annals of Economics and Statistics


On the Welfare Costs of Misspecified Monetary Policy Objectives

2011, vol.33, pp.151-161

Sanvi Avouyi-Dovi, Jean-Guillaume Sahuc

Journal of Macroeconomics


Externality in Labor Supply and Government Spending

2011, vol.112, pp.273-276

Patrick Fève, Julien Matheron, Jean-Guillaume Sahuc

Economics Letters


Durabilité, croissance et prospérité

2011, vol.26, pp.95-114

Alain Ayong Le Kama, Geoffrey Heal

Revue Française d'Economie


Carbon Tax and OPEC's Rent under a Ceiling Constraint

2011, vol.113, pp.798-824

R Dullieux, Lionel Ragot, Katheline Schubert

Scandinavian Journal of Economics


Should have the US locked Heaven's Door? Reassessing the Benefits of Postwar Immigration

2011, vol.24, pp.317-359

Xavier Chojnicki, Fr Docquier, Lionel Ragot

Journal of Population Economics


“The Determinants of International Reserves in the Emerging Economies: A non Linear Approach

2011, vol.43, pp.0-0

Anne-Laure Delatte, Julien Fouquau

Applied Economics


Analyzing the link between stock volatility and volume by a Mackey-Glass GARCH-type model: the case of Korea

2011, vol.5, pp.49-69

Menelaos Karanasos, Catherine Kyrtsou

Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis in Social Sciences


Analysing the dynamics between US inflation and Dow Jones index using nonlinear methods

2011, vol.15, pp.0-0

Stella Karagianni, Catherine Kyrtsou

Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics


• Profitability of foreign and domestic banks in Central and Eastern Europe: Does the mode of entry matter?

2011, vol.19, pp.443-742

Olena Havrylchyk, Emilia Jurzyk

Economics of Transition


• Inherited or earned? Performance of foreign banks in Central and Eastern Europe

2011, vol.35, pp.1291-1302

Olena Havrylchyk, Emilia Jurzyk

Journal of Banking and Finance


« Le commerce équitable : le développement en dépit du marché ou via le marché ? »

2011, vol.8, pp.11-29

Delphine Pouchain

Revue Ethique et Economique


Index trading and Agricultural commodity prices: A panel Granger causality analysis

2011, vol.126, pp.0-0

Gunther Capelle-Blancard, Dramane Coulibaly

International Economics


How does financial development influence the impact of remittances on growth volatility?

2011, vol.28, pp.2748-2760

Ibrahim Ahamada, Dramane Coulibaly

Economic Modelling


Risque systémique et politique macro prudentielle

2011, vol., pp.193-203

Michel Aglietta

Revue d'Economie Financière


Les médecins généralistes face à la contractualisation de leur rémunération. Des motivations contrastées

2011, vol.29, pp.231-246

Philippe Abecassis, Jean Paul Domin

Journal d'Economie Médicale


Nonlinear Mean Reversion in Oil and Stock Markets

2011, vol.10, pp.316-326

Mondher Bellalah, Fredj Jawadi

Review of Accounting and Finance


Motivations médicales et politiques d'incitations. La motivation intrinsèque contre la théorie de l'agence ?

2011, vol.29, pp.351-365

Nicolas Da Silva

Journal d'Economie Médicale


Recent developments on commodity, energy and carbon markets

2011, vol., pp.5-12

Valérie Mignon

International Economics


Price versus quantities in the coordination of international environmental policy

2011, vol.126, pp.109-130

Anna Creti, Maria Eugenia Sanin

International Economics


A note on "Electric Choices"

2011, vol.78, pp.91-94

Anna Creti



Prix, marché et liberté tarifaire en médecine

2011, vol.29, pp.0-0

Philippe Batifoulier

Journal d'Economie Médicale


Public Policies and Investment in Network Infrastructure

2011, vol.2011, pp.0-0

Sonja Araujo, Balázs Egert, Tomasz Kozluk, Douglas Sutherland

OECD Journal: Economic Studies


Internet Interacted: 1991-2003

2011, vol.9, pp.192-206

Veneta Andonova, Eric Brousseau, Antonio P. Ladrón

Management Research


Regulators as Reflexive Governance Platforms

2011, vol.12, pp.194-209

Eric Brousseau

Competition and Regulation in Network Industries (CRNI)


Business cycles synchronization in East Asian economy: evidences from time-varying coherence study

2011, vol.28, pp.351-368

Jean-Pierre Allegret, Essahbi Essaadi

Economic Modelling


Le choix d’un régime de change dans les pays émergents et en développement peut-il être optimal en dehors des solutions bi-polaires ?

2011, vol.62, pp.133-162

Jean-Pierre Allegret, Mohamed Ayadi, Leila Haouaoui-Khouni

Revue Economique


Inflation targeting and exchange rate regimes in the case of Serbia and selected transition economies

2011, vol.49, pp.88-105

Jean-Pierre Allegret, Emilija Beker-Pucar, Kosta Josifidis

Eastern European Economics


Une remise en cause de la méthode des prix hédoniques en présence d’une segmentation de marché

2011, vol.62, pp.567-578

Marc Baudry, Masha Maslianskaïa-Pautrel

Revue Economique


Permit price dynamics in the U.S SO2 trading program: A cointegration approach

2011, vol., pp.0-0

Olivier Beaumais, Amine Boutaba, Sandrine Lardic

Energy Economics

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