La parité des pouvoirs d'achat pour l'économie chinoise : une nouvelle analyse par les tests de racine

2008, vol.74, pp.219-236

Olivier Darné, Jean-François Hoarau

Recherches Economiques de Louvain / Louvain Economic Review


A Counterfactual Analysis of the Argentinian Monetary Transformation in 2002

2008, vol., pp.0-0

Anne-Laure Delatte

Applied Economics


Is Asia responsible for exchange-rate misalignments within the G20?

2008, vol.13, pp.46-61

Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Amina Lahrèche-Révil, Valérie Mignon

Pacific Economic Review


What drives the market value of firms in the defense industry?

2008, vol.17, pp.14-32

Gunther Capelle-Blancard, Nicolas Couderc

Review of Financial Economics


Measuring Comovements in the Euro Area Using a Non Stationary Factor Model

2008, vol.15, pp.781-785

Catherine Bruneau, Olivier de Bandt, Alexis Flageollet

Applied Economics Letters


The Writing Workshop of François Quesnay and the Making of Physiocracy (1757-1764)

2008, vol.40, pp.1-42

Loïc Charles, Christine Théré

History of Political Economy


The confessions of the average: Statistics and natural order in 19th century French economic thought

2008, vol.40, pp.447-480

Philippe Le Gall

History of Political Economy


Producer Choice and Technical Unemployment : John E. Tozer’s Mathematical Model (1838)

2008, vol.15, pp.433-454

Paola Tubaro

European Journal of the History of Economic Thought


Exchange rate regimes, foreign exchange volatility and export performance in Central and Eastern Europe: Just another blur project?

2008, vol.12, pp.577-593

Balázs Egert, Amalia Morales-Zumaquero

Review of Development Economics


Oil Prices and Economic Activity: An Asymmetric Cointegration Approach

2008, vol.30, pp.847-855

Sandrine Lardic, Valérie Mignon

Energy Economics


Explaining the European exchange rates deviations: long memory or nonlinear adjustment ?

2008, vol.18, pp.207-215

Gilles Dufrénot, Sandrine Lardic, Laurent Mathieu, Valérie Mignon, Anne Péguin-Feissolle

Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money


Rajin-Seonbong, new gateway of Northeast Asia


César Ducruet, Jin-Cheol Jo

Annals of Regional Science


Analyse de la convergence dynamique des comportements de demande de monnaie en Europe

2007, vol.83, pp.321-357

Sylvie Lecarpentier-Moyal, Patricia Renou-Maissant

Actualité économique


Foreign Exchange Intervention Policy: With or Without Transparency? The case of Japan?

2007, vol.113, pp.5-34

Jean-Yves Gnabo, Christelle Lecourt

International Economics


Did the Market-clearing Postulate Pre-exist New Classical Economics ? The Case of Marshallian Theory

2007, vol.75, pp.328-348

Michel De Vroey

Manchester School


La théorie et la modélisation macroéconomiques, d’hier à aujourd’hui

2007, vol.21, pp.3-38

Michel De Vroey, Pierre Malgrange

Revue Française d'Economie


Detecting Positive Feedback in Multivariate Time Series: The Case of Metal Prices and US Inflation

2007, vol.377, pp.227-229

Catherine Kyrtsou, Walter Labys

Physica A


• Foreign direct investment in China: Reward of remedy?,

2007, vol.30, pp.1662-1681

Olena Havrylchyk, Sandra Poncet

World Economy


À propos de l’inscription sur la liste de qualification aux fonctions de maître de conférences : une modélisation des décisions de la section sciences économiques du CNU

2007, vol., pp.0-0

Olivier Beaumais

Revue Economique


The institutional failures of the International Monetary Fund conditionality

2007, vol.2, pp.309-327

Jean-Pierre Allegret, Philippe Dulbecco

Review of International Organizations


Transmission des chocs et mécanismes d’ajustement dans le Mercosur

2007, vol., pp.355-392

Jean-Pierre Allegret, Alain Sand-Zantman

Revue de l'OFCE


Disentangling business cycles and macroeconomic policy in Mercosur: a VAR and an unobserved components models approaches

2007, vol.22, pp.482-514

Jean-Pierre Allegret, Alain Sand-Zantman

Journal of Economic Integration


Volatilité des chocs et degré de flexibilité du taux de change

2007, vol.54, pp.271-301

Jean-Pierre Allegret, Mohamed Ayadi, Leila Haouaoui-Khouni



Quels régimes de change pour les marchés émergents ?

2007, vol.54, pp.397-427

Jean-Pierre Allegret



Lumpy Investment and Endogenous Business Cycles in an Evolutionary Multi-Agent Model

2007, vol.38, pp.631-666

Giovanni Dosi, Giorgio Fagiolo, Andrea Roventini

Cybernetics and Systems


Preface of the Special Issue on the Use of Sustainable Development Indicators

2007, vol.10, pp.0-0

Alain Ayong Le Kama

International Journal of Sustainable Development


A note on the consequences of an endogenous discounting depending on environmental quality

2007, vol.11, pp.0-0

Alain Ayong Le Kama, Katheline Schubert

Macroeconomic Dynamics


Droit, architecture financière et stratégies des banques

2007, vol.101, pp.0-0

Bertrand Chopard, Bruno Deffains, Jean-Daniel Guigou

Revue de l'OFCE


Estimation of real GDP and unrecorded economy in Turkey based on environmental data

2007, vol.35, pp.4902-4908

Fatih Karanfil, Ata Ozkaya

Energy Policy


Sectoral energy consumption by source and economic growth in Turkey

2007, vol.35, pp.5447-5456

Thomas Jobert, Fatih Karanfil

Energy Policy

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