3rd PhD Student Conference in
International Macroeconomics and Financial Econometrics
19th of March 2014
Conference room "B"
Université Paris Ouest - Nanterre La Défense
EconomiX-CNRS and the Doctoral School EOS of the University of Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, the CeReFiM from the University of Namur and the CESAM from the Université catholique de Louvain-Louvain School of Management are co-organizing the third PhD Student Conference in International Macroeconomics and Financial Econometrics.The conference will be held on March 19, 2014 in Nanterre, France.
Important dates and submission procedure:
Submission deadline: | December 20, 2013 |
Acceptance decision: | January 2014 |
Presenting Authors Registration: | February 2014 |
Conference: | March 19, 2014 |
Final decisions regarding submissions will be delivered no later than January 31
The registration for the conference is closed.
Covered topics:
International Macroeconomics with an emphasis on topics related to:
- Exchange rates and exchange rate regimes;
- Economic growth and development;
- Global imbalances and capital flows;
- Contagion mechanisms and systemic risk;
- Financial markets, Commodity markets;
- Monetary and fiscal policies;
- Financial econometrics.
Priority will be given to papers with original theoretical contributions and/or empirical applications that address a relevant economic question within the aforementioned topics and have no senior co-authors. A selection of those papers will be considered for publication in a special issue of
International Economics.
Organizing Committee: