April 12-13, 2018
Hôtel de Lauzun
17 Quai d'Anjou (Ile Saint-Louis), Paris 4th, France
EconomiX (CNRS and Paris Nanterre), Paris Center for Law & Economics (Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas), the Laboratoire d’Economie Dionysien (Paris 8 Vincennes-St Denis), ERUDITE (Paris Est-Créteil), and the Center for Economics of Paris Nord (CNRS and Paris 13 Villetaneuse) will jointly organize the: 5th International Meeting in Law & Economics, on April 12-13, 2018. The workshop in 2018 will be hosted by Institut d’Etudes Avancées de Paris, at Hôtel de Lauzun, 17 Quai d’Anjou, Paris 4th located on Ile Saint-Louis.
The organization of this international conference dedicated to Law & Economics aims at establishing an annual meeting in order to attract top Law & Economics scholars on a regular basis in Ile-de-France, and to promote sustained interactions with the French scholars also interested in these topics. The workshop consists in 8 thematic sessions of 2 papers; this allows each speaker to have 45 minutes in all, and enables longer discussions with the audience than what is nowadays possible during the international conferences in the field.
Submissions must be sent before December 12, 2017, in a pdf format, and by email to Jacques Pelletan and Eric Langlais. Papers (completed, or at least in preliminary draft) using various methodologies (theoretical, empirical, or experimental works) and related to any topics of Law & Economics are welcome, including : Economics of Procedures, Economics of Litigations, Law Finance and Entrepreneurship, Economics of Competition Law, Tort Law and Liability Rules, Law Enforcement and Economics of Crime, Constitutional Law and Political Economics, Intellectual Property and Innovation, Contracts and Law. The selection of papers will be made before January 12, 2018.
Deadline for submission : December 12, 2017.
Selection of papers : January 12, 2018.
Registration and payment of fees : online, before February 28, 2018 (upcoming link).
Submissions must be sent by email in a pdf format to Jacques Pelletan or Eric Langlais.
Students (Master, PhD) : 60 euros. Academics : 120 euros. Institutions and Non Academics : 180 euros.
Eric Langlais (EconomiX, CNRS & Paris Nanterre), Jacques Pelletan (LED Paris 8), Marie Obidzinski (CRED, Paris 2), Béatrice Dumont (CEPN, CNRS & Paris 13), Arnold Vialfont (ERUDITE, Paris Est-Créteil).
Jacques Pelletan and Eric Langlais.