9.45 am | Andrea Attar (IDEI, Université de Toulouse) "Incentives and competition under moral hazard" (joint with Arnold Chassagnon) |
11.00 am | Bertrand Gobillard (EconomiX – University of Paris X and LEO) "How Large should you be in the Market? Non profitable arbitrage and liquidity effects in a money economy" |
12.15–14.00 pm | Lunch |
14.00 pm | Régis Breton (CNRS and LEO, Université d’Orléans) "Robust and non-robust Equilibria in a Strategic Market Game"(joint with Bertrand Gobillard) |
15.15 pm | Francis Bloch (Univeristy of Aix Marseilles and University of Warwick) "Messengers, Gatekeepers and Speakers: The Power of Intermediaries in Contracting" (joint with Garance Genicot) |
16.30 pm | pause |
17.00 pm | Leonidas C. Koutsougeras (University of Mancester) "Decentralization of the Core via Nash Equilibrium" (joint with Nicholas Ziros) |
9.30 am | Rabah Amir (University of Arizona) "Cournot Oligopoly with Network Effects", (joint with Natalia Lazzati) |
10.45 am | Andrew Postlewaite (University of Pennsylvania) "Consumption Commitments and Employment Contracts", (joint with Larry Samuelson and Dan Silverman) |
12.00 | End of the workshop |