The Cachan History of Social Science Group and
The Amsterdam History and Methodology Group

4th ‘History of Economics as History of Science’
Spring Workshop

Friday 15 June 2007
École normale supérieure de Cachan, ‘Laplace’ Building— ‘Renaudeau’ Room

The Cachan History of Social Science Group and
The Amsterdam History and Methodology Group

4th ‘History of Economics as History of Science’
Spring Workshop

Friday 15 June 2007
École normale supérieure de Cachan, ‘Laplace’ Building— ‘Renaudeau’ Room

Programme :

10.15 am Welcome
10:30 am Margaret Schabas (University of British Columbia)
Nature Does Nothing in Vain: Self-Reflexivity as an Adaptive Trait
Discussant: Loïc Charles
11:30 am Harald Hagemann (Universität Hohenheim)
German-speaking economists in British exile, 1933-1945
Discussant: Guido Erreygers
12:30 pm Lunch
2:00 pm Judy Klein (Mary Baldwin College)
Rules of Action for War and Recursive Optimization: Massé’s “Jeu des Réservoirs” and Arrow, Harris, and Marschak’s “Optimal Inventory Policy”
Discussant: Philip Mirowski
3:00 pm Philip Mirowski (University of Notre Dame)
The Mirage of An Economics of Knowledge
Discussant: Tiago Mata
4:00 pm Tea/Coffee break
4:30 pm Tiago Mata (Universidade Técnica de Lisboa)
Migrations and boundary work: Harvard, radical economists and the Committee on Political Discrimination
Discussant: Harald Hagemann
5:30 pm Workshop close

For a full programme and registration form,
please contact Philippe Fontaine.

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