Lara Abdel Fattah, Giuseppe Arcuri, Aziza Garsaa, Nadine Levratto
- Abstract
- This paper investigates the role of regional context with regard to human capital and knowledge spillover effects in SMEs’ financial soundness. Our empirical setting is based on the multilevel analysis for panel data, which better allows for the treatment of hierarchical data. It is applied to firms belonging to the industrial sector and operating in four European countries over the 2010–2015 period. We find that a combination of individual- and regional-level characteristics explain firm soundness more accurately than individual features alone. Furthermore, we find that a higher local educational level and knowledge spillover improve the firm soundness.
- Mot(s) clé(s)
- Entreprise et territoire, capital humain, robustesse financière de l'entreprise, modèle multiniveau