Photo Noémi Berlin
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  • Office in Paris Nanterre


  • Research group

      Comportements, Droits et Bien-être

  • Theme(s)
    • Economie comportementale
    • Economie de la santé
    • Microéconomie appliquée

Chargé de recherche CNRS
Website: personal website


Economie comportementale, économie expérimentale, comportements de santé, économie de l'éducation


2017: Research Associate, European University Institute, Fiesole
2014-2016: Post-doctoral fellow in Behavioural and Health Economics, School of Economics, University of Edinburgh


2009-2013: PhD in Economics, Université Paris 1 - Paris School of Economics
2007-2009: Master Economie Thérorique et Empirique, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, PSE
2006-2009: Magistère d'Economie, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, PSE



Creative Cognition as a Bandit Problem?", with Louis Lévy-Garboua, Marco Gazel, Jan Dul and Todd Lubart, Learning and Individual Differences, 111, 102438, 2024. 


Do smoking abstinence periods among pregnant smokers improve birth weight? A secondary analysis of a randomised, controlled trial, with Ivan Berlin Léontine Goldzahl, Florence Jusot, BMJ Open, 2024;14:e082876. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-082876


Changing Dietary Habits Early in Life: A Field Experiment with Low Income Families, with Michèle Belot, Jonathan James, Valeria Skafida, in press, Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics, 2024, 


Mastery Is Associated With Weight Status, Food Intake, Snacking, and Eating Disorder Symptoms in the NutriNet-Santé Cohort Study. with Gisch, U. A., Robert, M., Nebout, A., Etilé, F., Teyssier, S., ... & Péneau, S.  Frontiers in Nutrition, 960, 2022.


Financial incentives for smoking cessation in pregnancy: multicentre randomised controlled trial, with Ivan Berlin, Marie Malecot, Martine Breton, Florence Jusot, Léontine Goldzahl, 2021; BMJ, 375:e065217 doi:


Incitations financières chez la femme enceinte fumeuse. Une approche pluridisciplinaire, with Léontine Goldzah, Florence Jusot, Ivan Berlin, Alcoologie Addictologie, Vol. 40 No 3 (2018): Septembre 2018


Public acceptability of financial incentives to reward pregnant smokers who stop smoking: a United Kingdom - France comparison , with Léontine Goldzahl, Pat Hoddinott, Linda Bauld, Ivan Berlin, The European Journal of Health Economics (2017). doi:10.1007/s10198-017-0914-6


Gender Differences in Reaction to Feedback and Willingness to Compete with Marie-Pierre Dargnies, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2016, Volume 130, October 2016, Pages 320–336


Protocol for study of financial incentives for smoking cessation in pregnancy (FISCP): randomised, multicentre study, with Léontine Goldzahl, Florence Jusot and Ivan Berlin, BMJ Open, vol. 6:7, 2016


An Exploratory Study on Creativity, Personality and Schooling, with Jean-Louis Tavani and Maud Besancon, Education Economics, Vol. 24, Iss 5, 2016, p. 536-556


Time spent on New Songs: Word-of-Mouth and Price Effects on Teenager Consumption, with Anna Bernard and Guillaume Fürst, Journal of Cultural Economics, vol. 39:2, May 2015, p.205-218


Croyances et Goût pour la Compétition, with Marie-Pierre Dargnies, La revue économique, vol. 64:3, mai 2013, p.393-404





Food behaviors



"Associations between in utero food exposure with subsequent food preferences and Body Mass Index in young children from low-income families", with Michèle Belot, Jonathan James, Valeria Skafida


"What You Eat is What You Are: Risk Attitude, Time Preference, and Food Behavior", with Antoine Nebout, Emmanuel Kemel, Florent Vieux, Nicole Darmon, Sandrine Peneau, Emmanuel Paroissien


"Social norms, parents’ food beliefs, and parents’ food choices: an experiment", with Tarek Jaber-Lopez and Moustapha Sarr


Smoking and pregnant Women


"Do financial incentives for smoking cessation during pregnancy reduce social inequalities in health at birth?", with Ivan Berlin Leontine Goldzahl, Florence Jusot



Risk and Uncertainty


"A convenient truth: between-subject random incentive and preferences towards risk and time", with Emmanuel Kemel, Vincent Lenglin et Antoine Nebout


"Levels of uncertainty and charitable giving", with Maria J. Montoya-Villalobos, EconomiX Working Papers, No 2023-8, University of Paris Nanterre, EconomiX. 


Environnemental behaviors

"Feedback and coorperation: An experiment on sorting behaviour" , with Mamadou Gueye et Stéphanie Monjon 



"Gender Differences in Early Occupational Choices: Evidence from Medical Specialty Selection", with Josep Amer-Mestre, Agnès Charpin, Magali Dumontet


"Gender, Performance, Preferences, and Occupational Choices: Decoding the Specialty Choices of Future Doctors", with Magali Dumontet



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