PhD candidate in Economics at Paris Nanterre University and at the Climate Economics Chair since September 1st, 2020 under the supervision of Professor Marc Baudry
Subject: Public policies to support the energy transition in presence of electricity storage and production intermittencies
EconomiX - CNRS UMR 7235
Université Paris-Nanterre
200, avenue de la République
92001 Nanterre Cedex
Office: 313 (Building G - Maurice Allais)
Email: milien.dhorne[at]
2019 - 2020: Advanced Master in Public Policies and Actions for the Sustainable Development, AgroParisTech - École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées
2018 - 2019: M.Sc. in Environment, Energy and Transportation Economics, major in Energy, IFP School - INSTN
Engineering training at City, Environment and Transportation Department, major in Environment, École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées