Photo Carl Grekou
  • Email
  • Research group

      Macroéconomie internationale, finance, matières premières et économétrie financière

  • Theme(s)
    • Taux de change
    • Taux de change d'équilibre
    • Régimes de change

Contact Information

Centre d’Etudes Prospectives et d’Informations Internationales (CEPII)

Postal Address: 20 avenue de Ségur, TSA 10726, 75334 Paris cedex 07, France

Phone: +33 (0)1 53 68 55 77

Cell phone: +33 (0)6 14 61 04 13

Email : / /




Ph.D. Economics, University of Paris Nanterre (France), 2016

MSc. Economics, University of Paris Nanterre (France), 2013

MSc. Audit and Accounting, ESC Pau (France), 2011

BSc. Economics, Methodist University of Côte d’Ivoire, 2010



Work Experience



Centre d’Etudes Prospectives et d’Informations Internationales (CEPII)

     Economist, June 2017 - Present

     Consultant, December 2016 - April 2017


Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

     Consultant, October 2013 - Janvier 2014

     Intern, June 2013 - September 2013



University of Paris Nanterre (France)

Lecturer (Part-time): World Economic Outlook, 2019 - Present Teaching Assistant: Econometrics (2015 - 2016), Numerical Methods and Programming (on R, 2016), Open Economy Macroeconomics (undergraduate, 2014 - 2016)

Tutor: Accounting, Economics, Management and Statistics (2012 - 2013)


Ecole de Management Léornard de Vinci (EMLV Business School, France)

Lecturer (Part-time): Economics and Applied Statistics, (2018 - 2020)



Research activities



Exchange Rates, Exchange Rates Regimes, Macroeconomic Policies, Macroeconomic Imbalances, Growth and Development.


Ph.D Dissertation

Title: "Essays on exchange rate misalignments and exchange rate policies in developing countries and emerging economies"

Committee: Frédérique BEC, Jean-Louis COMBES, Cécile COUHARDE (Supervisor), Gilles DUFRÉNOT, Valérie MIGNON


Peer-reviewed publications

1. Couharde, Cécile Grekou, Carl Mignon, Valérie, 2021. "MULTIPRIL, a new database on multilateral price levels and currency misalignments," International Economics 165, 94-117.

2. Grekou, C., Owoundi, F. (2020), "Understanding how foreign direct investment inflows impact urbanization in Africa", International Economics 164, 48-68.

3. Coudert, V., Couharde, C., Grekou, C., Mignon, V. (2020), "Heterogeneity within the euro area: New insights into an old story", Economic Modelling 90, 428-444.

4. Couharde, C., Delatte, A-L., Grekou, C., Mignon, V., Morvillier, F. (2020), "Measuring the Balassa-Samuelson effect: A guidance note on the RPROD database", International Economics 161, 237-247.

5. Grekou, C. (2019), "From Nominal Devaluations to Real Depreciations", International Economics 157, 68-81.

6. Couharde, C., Delatte, A-L., Grekou, C., Mignon, V., Morvillier, F. (2018), "EQCHANGE: A World Database on Actual and Equilibrium Exchange Rates", International Economics 156, 206-230.

7. Grekou, C. (2015), "Revisiting the Nexus between Currency Misalignments and Growth in the CFA Zone", Economic Modelling 45, 142-154.



Other publications


Collective book

1. Grekou, C. (2020), "Un dollar contesté, mais toujours pas détrôné", in Economie Mondiale 2021, CEPII, p.87-101.

2. Grekou, C. (2018), "Dollar. Une Hégémonie Persistante", in Carnets Graphiques, CEPII, p.32-33.



1. Couharde, C., Grekou, C. (2021), "Mieux caractériser les régimes de change pour comprendre leur fragilités", La Lettre du CEPII N°418.

2. Couharde, C., Delatte, A-L., Grekou, C., Mignon, V., Morvillier, F. (2017), "Baisse du dollar: tous perdants au sein de la zone euro?", La Lettre du CEPII N°381.

3. Couharde, C., Delatte, A-L., Grekou, C., Mignon, V., Morvillier, F. (2017), "Sur- et sous-évaluations de change en zone euro: vers une correction soutenable des déséquilibres", La Lettre du CEPII N°375.


Media and Blog post

1. "Pourquoi le dollar reste roi ?", Xerfi Canal (01/12/2020).

2. "Franc CFA, un outil du développement ?", France Culture (31/12/2019).

3. "Vers une union monétaire en Afrique", Xerfi Canal (10/09/2019).

4. "Addressing macroeconomic imbalances within the euro area: still a long road ahead", Econbrowser (04/14/2019) and Le Blog du CEPII (04/15/2019) | Joint with Coudert, V., Couharde, C. and Mignon, V.

5. "Franc CFA: pourquoi une nouvelle dévaluation est-elle improbable?", (10/27/2017) | Joint with Owoundi F.

6. "Going beyond the Big Mac index: EQCHANGE – a new powerful database on actual and equilibrium effective exchange rates", VoxEU (09/02/2017) and Econbrowser (09/14/2017) | Joint with Couharde, C., Delatte, A-L., Mignon, V.,and Morvillier, F.

7. "Sortie de l’euro et compétitivité française", Le Blog du CEPII (03/21/2017) | Joint with Aglietta M., Delatte A-L. Espagne E., Grjebine 

T., Héricourt J., Mignon V., Morvillier F., Pedrono J., Tripier F.


Working Papers


1. Couharde, C., Grekou, C. (2021), "Better two eyes than one: A synthesis classification of exchange rate regimes", Working Papers 2021-07, CEPII

research center.

2. Couharde, C., Grekou, C., Mignon, V. (2021), "On the economic desirability of the West African monetary union: would one currency fit

all?", Working Papers 2021-03, CEPII research center. (Under review in the Annals of Economics and Statistics)

3. Grekou, C. (2020), "EQCHANGE annual assessment 2020", Working Papers 2020-16, CEPII research center.

4. Couharde, C., Grekou, C., (2020), "The Fata Morgana of Exchange Rate Regimes: Reconciling the LYS and the RR classifications", EconomiX Working Papers 2020-32, University of Paris Nanterre.

5. Grekou, C. (2019), "EQCHANGE Annual Assessment 2019", CEPII Working Paper 2019-19, CEPII research center.

6. Grekou, C. (2018), "EQCHANGE Annual Assessment 2018", CEPII Working Paper 2018-23, CEPII research center.

7. Grekou, C. (2018),"Currency Misalignments and Economic Growth: the Foreign Currency-Denominated Debt Channel", CEPII Working Paper 2015-23, CEPII research center.

8. Couharde, C., Grekou, C. (2016), "Currency Misalignments in Emerging and Developing Countries: Reassessing the Role of Exchange Rate Regimes", EconomiX Working Papers 2016-31, University Paris Nanterre.

9. Grekou, C., Perez, R., (2014), "Child mortality in sub-Saharan Africa: why public health spending matters?", EconomiX Working Paper 2014-28, University Paris Nanterre.



Work in progress

1. Berka, M., Grekou, C. "Effective Price Levels and the Penn Effect".

2. Gnimassoun, B., Grekou, C., Mignon, V. "Exchange Rate Regimes, Bilateral Trade Flows and Domestic Production".

3. Grekou, C., Hekimian, R. "Monetary integration and stock market cross-correlations during the interwar period: an international comparison between Belgium, France and the US".

4. Faure, E., Grekou, C., Mignon V. "On the eurozone current account imbalances".

5. Grekou, C. "EQCHANGE Annual Assessment 2021".


Conference and Seminar Presentations


2021 — Les états généraux de l’ECO (Tomé, Togo)

2019 — 68th annual meeting of the French Economic Association (AFSE, Orléans), CEPII internal seminar (Paris), 18me journée d’économétrie (développements récents de l’Econométrie appliquée à la finance, Paris), 5th International Macroeconomics Workshop (Rennes), Banque de France (Paris)

2018 — Banque de France (Paris), 6me journée d’économétrie appliquée à la macroéconomie (Paris), CEPII (conference and internal seminar, Paris), European Commission (DG Economic and Financial Affairs, Brussels)

2017 — 34th International Symposium on Money, Banking and Finance (GdRE, Paris)

2016 — XVth Annual European Economics and Finance Society (EEFS, Amsterdam), 2016 CSAE Conference (Oxford)

2015 — XVth Doctoral Meetings in International Trade and International Finance (RIEF network, Orleans), 32nd International Symposium on Money, Banking and Finance (GdRE, Nice)

2014 — EconomiX PhD students seminar (Paris), 63th annual meeting of the French Economic Association (AFSE, Lyon), Augustin Cournot Doctoral Days (Strasbourg)



Computer & linguistic Skills


Computer skills

• Numeric computation: R, MatLab

• Data analysis: Stata, EViews, MatLab, R, Rats, SAS

• Miscellaneous: Microsoft office, LATEX


Spoken languages

French (native), English (strong), German (basic)



Other personal details

Citizenship: Côte d’Ivoire, France

Date of birth: September 10, 1988 (Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire)


Professional affiliations

EconomiX-CNRS, University of Paris Nanterre

French Economic Association


Fellowships, awards and grants

Doctoral fellowship, French Ministry of Research, 2013-2016

Presidential excellence grant, Presidency of Côte d’Ivoire


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