Photo Michaël Guillossou



Thesis title

  • Le rôle de l’agriculture dans la relation climat-migration dans un contexte de changement climatique : le cas de la Corn Belt

Under the direction of

  • arrow_right Thesis supervisor: Cécile Couharde
  • arrow_right Thesis co-supervisor: Rémi Generoso

Research group

    Macroéconomie internationale, finance, matières premières et économétrie financière

HAL open science


Professional adress: 

University of Paris Nanterre

200 avenue de la République

92001 Nanterre

Building: Maurice Allais (G)

Office: 601

Current status:

Ph.D. thesis in Economics entitled "The influence of climate on migration through the agricultural channel in the context of climate change: a focus on the Corn Belt", prepared under the supervision of Cécile Couharde and Rémi Generoso at University of Paris Nanterre.

Areas of expertise:

Economics: Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, International Economics, Financial Economics, Climate Economics, Agricultural Economics
Statistics: Applied Econometrics, Exploratory Data Analysis
Software: R, Python, Stata, LateX
Languages: French (native language); English (fluent)


2022: M.Sc. in Applied Economics, with specialization in International Economics and Macroeconomic Policies. University of Paris Nanterre.
2020: B.Sc. in Economics and Management, with specialization in Economics. University of Paris Nanterre
2017-2018: 1st year in preparatory class for the Grandes Écoles in Economics and Business, with specialization in Economics. Lycée Carnot, Paris.

Work experience:

2022-: Teaching fellow at University of Paris Nanterre:
- Econometrics using R and Python, Master in Applied Economics (1st year).
- Applied Econometrics, Bachelor in Economics (3rd year).
- Microeconomics of labor and firms, Bachelor in Economics and Management (2nd year).
- Methodology of academic working, Bachelor in Economics and Management (1st year).
- Knowledge of professions, Bachelor in Economics and Management (1st year).

2023: Member of the examination board of dissertation defenses of the Master in Market Operations and Risk Management. University of Paris Nanterre and École Supérieure de la Banque.
2022: Research internship: preparation of the dissertation "The Balassa-Samuelson hypothesis among OECD countries : an innovative panel reinvestigation and insights of the New Trade theory". EconomiX, University of Paris Nanterre.
2021: Research intership: preparation of the survey "Les déterminants climatiques de la migration interne aux États-Unis: passage en revue des données, concepts et résultats". EconomiX, University of Paris Nanterre.





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