Photo Eleonora Matteazzi
  • Email
  • Research group

      Transitions, Environnement, Énergie, Institutions, Territoires

  • Theme(s)
    • Economie du travail
    • Economie de la famille
    • Economie du genre



2019 - Global Labor Organization (GLO) fellow

2019 - Associated researcher at Economix - University Paris Nanterre (France)

2019 - Research associate at the University of Verona

2012 - Affiliated researcher at OFCE (Sciences Po Economic Research Centre) - Presage program. Presage is a multidisciplinary academic and research program on gender thinking




2006 - 2010  Joint Ph.D in Economics (University of Cergy-Pontoise, France) and in Economics and Finance (University of Verona, Italy). Final mark: Maxima cum laude

2005 - 2006  Master in International Economics (University of Cergy-Pontoise, France) Specialization: Political Economy. Final mark: 16.05/20 (Très bien)

1999 - 2003 BSc in Economics (University of Verona, Italy). Final mark: 110/110 summa cum laude




2016 - 2019  Research associate at the University of Trento (Italy) - Department of Sociology and Social Research, funded by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (Department for Family Policies) in memory of Valeria Solesin

2014 - 2016  Research associate at the University of Trento (Italy)  - Department of Economics and Management

2012 - 2014  Research associate at the University of Verona (Italy)  - Department of Economics

2011 - 2012  Post-doctorate at the French National Institute of Demographic Studies (INED) – Research Unit UR9 in Economic Demography




2014 - 2017 Strategic transitions for youth labour in Europe (STYLE). Funded by European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 613256

2014            Gender, time use, and intra-household decision process in Morocco. Founded by the GIS Institut du Genre (France)

2009 - 2012 Gender inequalities and the household division of labor (GINHDILA). Founded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (France)

2009 - 2010 Time-use, domestic production and public goods in the intra-household decision process: Theoretical, empirical and experimental approach (TIPI). Founded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (France) and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Germany)

2004 - 2007 A quantitative and qualitative assessment of the socio-economic and environmental impacts of decoupling of direct payments on agricultural production, markets and land use in the EU (GENEDEC). Funded by European Union’s Sixth Framework Programme under grant agreement no. 502184




Peer-reviewed journal articles:


Berloffa G., Matteazzi E., Sandor A. and Villa P. "The quality of employment in the early labour market experience of young Europeans." Forthcoming at the Cambridge Journal of Economics (doi:10.1093/cje/bez010)


Berloffa G., Matteazzi E., Sandor A. and Villa P. (2019) "Gender inequalities in the initial labor market experience of young Europeans". Forthcoming at the International Journal of Manpower (doi: 10.1108/IJM-02-2018-0063)


Donni O. and Matteazzi E. (2018) "Collective decisions, household production, and the labour force participation". Journal of Applied Econometrics, 33: 1064-1080 (doi: 10.1002/jae.2652)


Matteazzi E., Pailhé A., and Solaz A. (2018) "Part-time employment, the gender wage gap and the role of wage-setting institutions: Evidence from eleven European countries". European Journal of Industrial Relations, 24(3): 221-241 (doi: 10.1177/0959680117738857)


Berloffa G., Matteazzi E. and Villa P. (2017) "The influence of parental employment status on children's labor outcomes. Does the gender of parents and children matter?." Journal of Research in Gender Studies, 7(2): 136-164 (doi:10.22381/JRGS7220178)


Matteazzi E., M. Menon, and F. Perali (2017) "An equilibrium analysis of a collective farm-household model: Policy and welfare simulations." Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 39(1): 111-153 (doi: 10.1093/aepp/ppw004)


Berloffa G., E. Matteazzi, A. Sandor and P. Villa (2016) "Youth employment security and labour market institutions: a dynamic perspective." International Labour Review, 155 (4): 651-678 (doi: 10.1111/ilr.12034)


Matteazzi E., A. Pailhé, and A. Solaz (2014) "Part-time wage penalty for women in prime age: A matter of selection or segregation? Evidence from four European countries." Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 67(3): 955-985 (doi: 10.1177/0019793914537457)


Donni O. and E. Matteazzi (2012) "On the importance of household production in collective models: Evidence from U.S. data." Annals of Economics and Statistics, 105-106: 99-126 (doi: 10.2307/23646458)


Working papers:


El Badaoui E. and Matteazzi E. "To be a mother, or not to be? Career and wage ladder in Italy and the UK." ECONOMIX WP 30/2015 (Submitted)


Berloffa G., Matteazzi E., and Villa P. "The intergenerational transmission of worklessness in Europe. The role of fathers and mothers." University of Trento, DEM Working Papers 2017/04 (Submitted)


Matteazzi E. and Scherer S. "Gender wage gap and partners' domestic work. Evidence from Italy, Germany and the US" (Submitted)


Book chapters:


Berloffa G., Matteazzi E., Mazzolini G., Şandor A. and Villa P. (2019) "How can young people's employment quality be asserted dynamically?," in J. O'Reilly, J. Lescke, R. Ortlieb, M. Seeleib-Kaiser and P. Villa (Eds) Youth Labor in Transition. Inequalities, Mobility, and Policies in Europe. Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-086479-8, pp. 237-270.


Berloffa G., Matteazzi E. and Villa P. (2019) "The worklessness legacy: Do working mothers make a difference?," in J. O'Reilly, J. Lescke, R. Ortlieb, M. Seeleib-Kaiser and P. Villa (Eds) Youth Labor in Transition. Inequalities, Mobility, and Policies in Europe. Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-086479-8, pp. 294-333.


Berloffa G., Matteazzi E. and Villa P. (2018) "Gender Equality in the European Employment Strategy," in B. English, M.E. Frederickson and O. Sanmiguel-Valderrama (Eds) Global Women's Work. Perspectives on Gender and Work in the Global Economy. Routledge, ISBN 978-1138036581, pp. 91-108.


Berloffa G., Matteazzi E., Şandor A. and Villa P. (2017) "Gender inequalities in the early labour market experience of young Europeans," in J. O'Reilly, C. Moyart, T. Nazio and M. Smith (Eds) Youth Employment: STYLE Handbook (Brighton: CROME) http://style-handbook.eu, pp. 100-103.


Berloffa G., Matteazzi E. and Şandor A. (2017) "Does families’ working behaviour affect their children’s school-to-work trajectories?," in J. O'Reilly, C. Moyart, T. Nazio and M. Smith (Eds) Youth Employment: STYLE Handbook (Brighton: CROME) http://style-handbook.eu, pp. 183-186.


Berloffa G., Matteazzi E., Şandor A. and Villa P. (2017) "Workless parents, workess children?," in J. O'Reilly, C. Moyart, T. Nazio and M. Smith (Eds) Youth Employment: STYLE Handbook (Brighton: CROME) http://style-handbook.eu, pp.187-190.


Berloffa G., Matteazzi E., Mazzolini, G. Şandor A. and Villa P. (2017) "The quality of young Europeans’ employment: A dynamic perspective," in J. O'Reilly, C. Moyart, T. Nazio and M. Smith (Eds) Youth Employment: STYLE Handbook (Brighton: CROME) http://style-handbook.eu, pp. 219-222.


Berloffa G., Matteazzi E., Mazzolini, G. Şandor A. and Villa P. (2017) "Youth school-to-work transitions. From entry jobs to career employment," in J. O'Reilly, C. Moyart, T. Nazio and M. Smith (Eds) Youth Employment: STYLE Handbook (Brighton: CROME) http://style-handbook.eu, pp. 223-225.


Magnani R., E. Matteazzi, and F. Perali (2007) "Microsimulation and macroeconomic analysis: An integrated approach. An application for evaluating reforms in the Italian agricultural sector," in A. Spadaro (Ed) Microsimulation as a tool for evaluation of public policies. Methods and applications. Fundacion BBVA, Bilbao, ISBN 978-84-96515-17-8, pp. 245-292.


Reports and project deliverables:


Berloffa G., M. Filandri, E. Matteazzi, T. Nazio, A. Sandor, and J. O'Reilly (2016) "Family strategies to cope with poor labour market outcomes," Deliverable D8.2 - STYLE European project publications.


Berloffa G., M. Filandri, E. Matteazzi, T. Nazio, P. Villa, and J. O'Reilly (2015) "Work-poor and work-rich families: influence on youth labour market outcomes," Deliverable D8.1 - STYLE European project publications.


Berloffa G., E. Matteazzi, G. Mazzolini, A. Sandor, and P. Villa (2015) "Youth school-to-work transitions: from entry jobs to career employment," Deliverable D10.2 - STYLE European project publications.


Montresor E., F. Perali, F. Pecci, M. Sassi, C. Salvioni, A. Bettocchi, M. Bonetti, S. Lovo, R. Magnani, E. Matteazzi (2007) "Examination of the socio-economic effect of decoupling on structural change at farm and regional level," Deliverable D9 - GENEDEC European project publications.




2019    8th ECINEQ Meeting, Paris (France)

2017    ECRS, Milano (Italy)

2016    37th Annual Conference IWPLMS, Barcelona (Spain); 24th TIY workshop, Trento (Italy); SIE 57 RSA, Milano (Italy)

2015    SASE, London (UK)

2014    AIEL, Pisa (Italy); ESPE, Braga (Portugal)

2013    5th ECINEQ Meeting, Bari (Italy); SSEF – Summer Workshop in Development Economics, Canazei (Italy)

2012    International Working Time conference, Montreal (Canada); Young researchers seminar at University Paris West Nanterre - La Défense (France)

2011    Conference on Family Economics in Honor of Gary Becker, Paris (France); 4th ECINEQ Meeting, Catania (Italy); Young researchers seminar at the University

           Paris 2 (France); Gender Seminar at University Paris 1 - La Sorbonne (France); ADRES – Annual Doctoral Conference of the Association for the  

           Development of Research in Economics and Statistics, Paris (France)

2010    SSEF – Summer Workshop in Development Economics, Canazei (Italy); 32nd IATUR Conference – Time-budgets and beyond: the timing of daily life, Paris


2007    SPERA – International Seminar on General Equilibrium Approaches to Development, Pavia (Italy)




2013 - 2014   University of Verona (Italy): Industrial economics (Bachelor level), Advanced microeconomics (PhD level)

2011 - 2012   University Paris West Nanterre - La Défense (France): International economics (Bachelor level), Microeconomics (Bachelor level), Theories of development (Master level)

                     Sciences Po (France): Gender economics (Bachelor level)

2010 - 2011   University of Verona (Italy): Microeconomics (Bachelor level)

2008 - 2009   University of Verona (Italy): Microeconomics (Bachelor level)

2007 - 2008   University of Verona (Italy): Microeconomics (Bachelor level)

2006 - 2007   University of Verona (Italy): Microeconomics (Bachelor level)




Organization of the 2011 Conference on Family Economics in Honor of Gary Becker, Paris (France)

Organization of the 2018 annual Conference in Memory of Valeria Solesin, Trento (Italy)




Consulting on gender equality in earnings for Kering Group (2012/2013)

Consulting on gender differences in the workplace for Les Echos Publishing Group (2013)




Children and Youth Services Review, European Journal of Industrial Relations, Human Relations, Journal of Family and Economic Issues, Population, Socio-Economic Review

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