Photo Claire Mollier
  • Email
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  • Office in Paris Nanterre


  • Research group

      Comportements, Droits et Bien-être

Contact informations : 


EconomiX (CNRS UMR 7235), Bureau : 602 (Bât. G)
UFR SEGMI, Université Paris-Nanterre
200 avenue de la République, 92001 NANTERRE CEDEX
Email :


Current situation : 


Ph.D. student in economics since September 2021

  • Topic: Gender gap in competition at a young age: experimental evidence from schools
  • Supervisor: Professor Tarek JABER-LOPEZ  

Co-Organizer of PJEM (Paris Junior Experimentalist Meetings): informal meetings between Ph.D. students to discuss our research in experimental economics. Don't hesitate to contact me for further information or to check our website by clicking here!  


Valorization of research work:

21st of April 2022: Participation in the project "Mathématiques: Nom Féminin ?" ("Mathematics: Female word?") : presentation of the work, in a popularised form, in the high school Guy de Maupassant in Colombes. 


20th of June 2022: Workshop of the PSE Summer School “Experimental economics - Tools and empirical methods for the study of economic behavior”


20th of October 2022: Workshop "Social behavior and discrimination", Nanterre University 




On EconomiX's Youtube channel : 


- Introduction to behavioral and experimental economics:

- Immersion in an experimental economics laboratory:

- The impact of experimental economics on public polic: 

- The NUDGES: 


Participation in laboratory life:

2022-2024: Elected as an alternate member of the Doctoral School Council 395

2022-2023: Co-organizer of the bi-monthly Ph.D. seminar 



2021: Master of Applied Behavioural Economics, University of Paris-Nanterre, passed with high honors 

2016: Bachelor of Economics, University Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne


Teaching experiences: 

Since 2021: Political and constitutional economy, BSc 3

Since 2021: Project in Econometrics, BSc 3

Since 2021: Introduction to Experimental Economics, MSc 1 

2021-2022: Practice of econometrics, BSc 3

Since 2022: Macroeconomics, BSc 1


Summer School: 

* 20th to 24th of June 2022: Paris School of Economics Summer School, “Experimental economics - Tools and empirical methods for the study of economic behavior” (Beatrice Boulu-Reshef, Fabrice Etilié, Olivier l'Haridon, Nicolas Jacquemet, Angelo Secchi)


* 12th to 13th of May 2022: the University of East Anglia, "Experimetrics" (Peter Moffatt) 


* 21st to 23rd of February 2022: the University of Zurich, Z-tree courses (Urs Fischbacher)


Professional experiences: 


March-May 2021: Research assistant with professor Tarek Jaber-Lopez, Laboratoire EconomiX

2017 - 2021: Economics tutor 




Software: PackOffice, Stata, R, Python, Otree

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