Jeunes docteurs et ATER

Photo Harouna Sedgo
  • Email
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  • Office in Paris Nanterre


  • Research group

      Transitions, Environnement, Énergie, Institutions, Territoires

  • Theme(s)
    • Institutions
    • Afrique



Email: harouna.sedgo@ensai.fr 




 Personal Website here



Current Position and Affiliations


Oct. 2023 - Sept. 2024: Teaching and research position (post-doctoral position)in Economics at ENSAI - CREST



Sept 2021-Août 2023 Temporary Teaching and Research Associate (ATER) in Economics, Paris Nanterre University (392h=198h + 194h).
Researcher at EconomiX - CNRS (UMR 7235) - Paris Nanterre University.


Feb 2022 - Member of American Economic Association (AEA).


May 2022 - Member of Association Française d’Economie du Développement (AFEDEV).


Jan 2023 – Member of European Association of Environmental and Resource
Economists (EAERE).


Research interests:

  1. Corruption, governance, and institutions
  2. Evaluation of public policies
  3. Applied Econometrics
  4. Public finances
  5. Economic history
  6. Applied Microeconomics/Applied Macroeconomics



2018- 2022 - PhD in Economics, EconomiX, Paris Nanterre University

Topic: Corruption in Africa: effect on resource allocation and the role of leadership (Ph.D. defense: September 30, 2022)

Supervisor: Luc-Désiré OMGBA, Professor of Economics, University of Lorraine, France

Jury members:

  • Pr. Pascale Combes Motel, Reviewer - University of Clermont Auvergne
  • Pr. Dramane Coulibaly, Reviewer - University of Lumière Lyon 2
  • Dr. Christian Ebeke, Examiner - International Monetary Fund –IMF-
  • Pr. Elise Huillery, Examiner - Paris Dauphine University, PSL
  • Pr. Valérie Mignon, President - Paris Nanterre University



2018: Master in International Affairs and Development, International Economics and Development type course, with high honours, Paris Dauphine University, France




 Teachings: (672 hours)

2023 - 2024: Teaching and research position in Economics at ENSAI


Lectures: International Economics, Macroeconomics


Tutorials: Applied Econometrics, Microeconomics, Development Economics


Supervision: Economic projects



 2022-2023: Full Teaching and Research Associate in Economics (ATER), Paris Nanterre University


Tutorials in Macroeconomics: Major macroeconomic functions, 1st year of bachelor’s degree in economics and management, 48h.

Course leaders: Eric Darmon, Antonia Lopez-Villavicencio, Paolo Melindi-Ghidi, Benjamin Monnery


Tutorials in Microeconomics: Economic actors and behavior, 1st year of bachelor’s degree in economics and management, 80h.

Course leaders: Saïd Souam, Ludovic A. Julien, Olivier Renault, Tarek Jaber-Lopez


Self-knowledge and careers, 1st year of bachelor’s degree in economics and management, 6h.


Tutorials in Macroeconomics: Economic analysis, 2nd year of bachelor’s degree in economics and management, 48h.

Course leaders : Bruno Lefebvre et Guillaume Pierné

Personal project in econometrics, 3rd year of bachelor’s degree in economics and

management, 12h.



2021-2022: Full Teaching and Research Associate in Economics (ATER), Paris Nanterre University


Tutorials in Macroeconomics: Major macroeconomic functions, 1st year of bachelor’s degree in economics and management, 32h

Course leaders: Eric Darmon, Antonia Lopez-Villavicencio, Paolo Melindi-Ghidi, Benjamin Monnery


Tutorials in Microeconomics: Economic actors and behavior, 80h

Course leaders: Eliane El Badaoui, Ludovic A. Julien, Olivier Renault, Tarek Jaber-Lopez


Tutorials in Macroeconomics: Economic analysis, 2nd year of bachelor’s degree in economics and management, 80h

Course leaders: Bruno Lefebvre et Guillaume Pierné

Personal project in econometrics, 3rd year of bachelor’s degree in economics and management, 6h.




Tutorials in Economics of uncertainty and information, 3rd year of bachelor’s in economics and management, University of Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas, 90h.

Course leader: Victor Hiller 




Tutorials in Microeconomics: Economic actors and behavior, 2nd year of bachelor’s degree in economics and management, 32h

Course leaders : Nathalie Fombaron, Meglena Jeleva et Antoine Rebeyrol;

Tutorials in Economics of uncertainty and information, 3rd year of bachelor’s in economics and management, University of Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas, 60h.





International Economics, Revue Région et Développement, Economics Bulletin





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