Journal :: Journal of Economic Issues

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Chirat Alexandre, (2018), « When Galbraith frightened conservatives: Power in Economics, Economists' Power and Scientificity », Journal of Economic Issues, vol.59, n°1, pp.31-51.
Le Maux Laurent, (2017), « The financial structure changes and the central bank policy », Journal of Economic Issues, vol.51, n°4, pp.1054-1073.
Bennani Hamza, (2015), « The euro area, a stressful monetary union? Learning from newspapers' monetary policy coverage », Journal of Economic Issues, vol.49, n°4, pp.1008-1027.
Galanti Sébastien, (2006), « Which side are you on? How institutional position affect financial analysts' incentives », Journal of Economic Issues, vol.40, n°2, pp.387-394.
Dang Ai-Thu, Monnier Jean-Marie, (2004), « The French System of Direct and Indirect Family Transfers and the Principles of Justice », Journal of Economic Issues, vol.38, n°3, pp.683-713.
Bidard Christian, Steedman Ian, (1996), « Monotonic movement of price vectors », Journal of Economic Issues, vol.1, n°2, pp.41-44.
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