Impact of Internal Migration on Labor Market Outcomes of Native Males in Thailand

2017, vol.66, pp.147-177

Eliane El Badaoui, Eric Strobl, Frank Walsh

Economic Development and Cultural Change


Assessing Efficiency and Investment Opportunities in Commodities: A Time Series and Portfolio Simulations Approach

2017, vol., pp.0-0

Zied Ftiti, Mouna Hdia, Fredj Jawadi

Economic Modelling


Economic and environmental implications of hydropower concession renewals: A case study in Southern France

2017, vol., pp.0-0

Anna Creti, Marc Joëts, Federico Pontoni

Revue Economique


Long-term estimates of the energy-return-on-investment (EROI) of coal, oil, and gas global productions

2017, vol.138, pp.147-159

Victor Court, Florian Fizaine

Ecological Economics


The paradox of plenty: a meta-analysis

2017, vol.94, pp.212-231

Magali Dauvin, David Guerreiro

World Development


Beyond average energy consumption in the French residential market: A household classification approach

2017, vol.107, pp.82-95

Emmanuel Hache, Déborah Leboullenger, Valérie Mignon

Energy Policy


L'économie politique de la monnaie: le régime monétaire de la Reconstruction aux Etats-Unis

2017, vol.127, pp.397-421

Laurent Le Maux

Revue d'Economie Politique


Multiple bubbles in the European Union Emission Trading Scheme

2017, vol.107, pp.119-130

Anna Creti, Marc Joëts

Energy Policy


The nonlinear progressive water pricing policy in Tunisia: Equity and efficiency

2017, vol.8, pp.17-27

Nidhaleddine Ben Cheikh, Younes Ben Zaied, Houssem Bouzgarrou, Pascal Nguyen

Environmental Economics


Modelling nonlinear water demand : The case of Tunisia

2017, vol.37, pp.637-644

Nidhaleddine Ben Cheikh, Younes Ben Zaied, Pascal Nguyen

Economics Bulletin


Intergenerational Inequalities in Standards of Living in France

2017, vol., pp.71-92

Ikpidi Badji, Hippolyte d'Ablis

Economie et Statistique


Measurement Errors in Stock Markets

2017, vol., pp.0-0

Hachmi BEN AMEUR, Karim Cheffou, Fredj Jawadi, Wael Louhichi

Annals of Operations Research


Persistence of announcement effects on the intraday volatility of stock returns: evidence from individual data

2017, vol.35, pp.43-56

Sylvie Lecarpentier-Moyal, Georges Prat, Patricia Renou-Maissant, Remzi Uctum

Review of Financial Economics


A tool for NCPs

2017, vol.19, pp.63-67

Christian Bidard

Advanced Modeling and Optimization


Computer technology and probable job destructions in Japan: An evaluation

2017, vol., pp.0-0

Benjamin David

Journal of the Japanese and International Economies


Exchange rate misalignments and the external balance under a pegged currency system

2017, vol.25, pp.949-974

Blaise Gnimassoun

Review of International Economics


An Empirical Comparison of Transformed Diffusion Models for VIX and VIX Futures

2017, vol.46, pp.116-127

Ruijun Bu, Fredj Jawadi, Yuyi Li

Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money


On the Macroeconomic and Wealth Effects of Unconventional Monetary Policy

2017, vol., pp.0-0

Fredj Jawadi, Ricardo Sousa, R Traverso

Macroeconomic Dynamics


The frequency of banking crises in a dynamic setting: a discrete-time duration approach

2017, vol., pp.0-0

Vincent Bouvatier

Oxford Economic Papers


An empirical analysis of European football rivalries based on on-field performances

2017, vol.20, pp.468-482

Fatih Karanfil

Sport Management Review


Prevention and Cleanup of Dynamic Harm Under Environmental Liability

2017, vol.83, pp.107-120

Tim Friehe, Eric Langlais

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management


Crime Deterrence Role of Romanian Churches

2017, vol.75, pp.454-467

Nicolae Stef

Review of Social Economy


Voting Rules in Bankruptcy Law

2017, vol.13, pp.0-0

Nicolae Stef

Review of Law and Economics


Asymptotic equivalence between Cournot-Nash and Walras equilibria in exchange economies with atoms and an atomless part

2017, vol.46, pp.975-990

Francesca Busetto, Giulio Codognato, Sayantan Ghosal

International Journal of Game Theory


L’auto-entrepreneur, au risque de l’entreprise

2017, pp.125-0

Nadine Levratto, Evelyne Serverin

Socio-Economie du travail (E&S, serie AB)


Equity prices and fundamentals: a DDM

2017, vol.49, pp.0-0

Fredj Jawadi, Georges Prat

Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting


Les annonces d’offre d’emploi : une information publique mais ciblée. Exploitation de l’enquête Emploi (2003-2012)

2017, vol.68, pp.199-217

Guillemette de Larquier, Géraldine Rieucau

Revue Economique


The financial structure changes and the central bank policy

2017, vol.51, pp.1054-1073

Laurent Le Maux

Journal of Economic Issues


The impact of the European sovereign debt crisis on banks stocks. Some evidence of shift contagion in Europe

2017, vol.74, pp.24-37

Jean-Pierre Allegret, Hélène Raymond, Houda Rharrabti

Journal of Banking and Finance


On Noncooperative Oligopoly Equilibrium in the Multiple Leader-Follower Game

2017, vol.256, pp.650-662

Ludovic A. Julien

European Journal of Operational Research

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