Does the SP500 index mirror the crude oil dynamics? A complexity-based approach

2016, vol.56, pp.239-246

Catherine Kyrtsou, Christina Mikropoulou, Angeliki Papana

Energy Economics


Detecting causality in non-stationary time series using partial symbolic transfer entropy: Evidence in financial data

2016, vol.47, pp.341-365

Cees Diks, Dimitris Kugiumtzis, Catherine Kyrtsou, Angeliki Papana

Computational Economics


A world trade leading index (WLTI)

2016, vol.146, pp.111-115

Karim Barhoumi, Olivier Darné, Laurent Ferrara

Economics Letters


La "figure de l'entrepreneur" est-elle absente de l'analyse économique?

2016, vol.19, pp.106-116

Marc Baudry

Regards Croisés sur l'Économie


Increase in home bias in the Eurozone debt crisis: the role of domestic shocks

2016, vol.53, pp.445-469

Camille Cornand, Pauline Gandré, Céline Gimet

Economic Modelling


Protocol for study of financial incentives for smoking cessation in pregnancy (FISCP): randomised, multicentre study

2016, vol.6

Noémi Berlin, Ivan Berlin, Léontine Goldzahl, Florence Jusot

BMJ Open


Combining internal and external motivations in multi-actor governance arrangements for biodiversity and ecosystem services

2016, vol.58, pp.1-10

Tom Dedeurwaerdere, Paolo Melindi-Ghidi, Authors Other

Environmental Science and Policy


Global scientific research commons under the Nagoya Protocol: Towards a collaborative economy model for the sharing of basic research assets

2016, vol.55, pp.1-10

Arianna Brogiatto, Tom Dedeurwaerdere, Paolo Melindi-Ghidi

Environmental Science and Policy


An Exploratory Study on Creativity, Personality and Schooling Achievement

2016, vol.24, pp.536-556

Noémi Berlin, Maud Besançon, Jean-Louis Tavani

Education Economics


Gender Differences in Reaction to Feedback and Willingness to Compete

2016, vol.130, pp.320-336

Noémi Berlin, Marie-Pierre Dargnies

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization


On the Sources of Macroeconomic Stability in the Euro Area

2016, vol.83, pp.40-63

Sanvi Avouyi-Dovi, Jean-Guillaume Sahuc

European Economic Review


The ECB’s Asset Purchase Programme: A Model-Based Evaluation

2016, vol.145, pp.136-140

Jean-Guillaume Sahuc

Economics Letters


Endogenous jurisdictions formation and its segregative properties : a survey of the literature

2016, vol.126, pp.356-378

Rémy Oddou

Revue d'Economie Politique


Firms localisation and sorting depending on the different local tax schemes

2016, vol.35, pp.1782-1787

Rémy Oddou

Economics Bulletin


Better at Home than in Prison ? The Effects of Electronic Monitoring on Recidivism in France

2016, vol.59, pp.629-667

Anaïs Henneguelle, Annie Kensey, Benjamin Monnery

Journal of Law and Economics


Consumer education: why the market doesn't work

2016, vol.42, pp.237-262

Sophie Bienenstock

European Journal of Law and Economics


Comment les médecins choisissent-ils leur lieu d’exercice ?

2016, vol.XXXI, pp.221-267

Magali Dumontet, Carine Franc, Anne-Laure Samson

Revue Française d'Economie


The Internationalization of Small and Medium-size enterprises in the Maghreb : a study of Morocan SMEs

2016, vol., pp.44-57

Nadine Levratto, Maarouf Ramadan

Global Business and Organizational Excellence


En quoi la politique monétaire affecte-t-elle le coût de la dette publique? Le cas des taux d'intérêt négatifs

2016, vol., pp.0-0

Agnes Labye

Regards Croisés sur l'Économie


On the timing of political regime changes in resource- dependent economies

2016, vol.85, pp.188-207

Raouf Boucekkine, Fabien Prieur, Klarizze Puzon

European Economic Review


Impacts of climate change on Tunisian olive oil output

2016, vol.139, pp.535-549

Younes Ben Zaied, Oussama Zouabi

Climatic Change


Les défis posés par l’économie numérique aux politiques de concurrence

2016, vol.3, pp.0-0

Edmond Baranes, Andreea Cosnita-Langlais

Réalités industrielles. Annales des mines


Impacts of Immigration on Aging Welfare-State An Applied General Equilibrium Model for France

2016, vol.37, pp.258-284

Xavier Chojnicki, Lionel Ragot

Fiscal Studies


On Oil-US Exchange Rate Volatility Relationships: an Intraday Analysis

2016, vol.59, pp.329-334

Hachmi BEN AMEUR, Fredj Jawadi, Wael Louhichi

Economic Modelling


Intraday jumps and trading volume: a nonlinear Tobit specification

2016, vol.47, pp.1167-1186

Karim Cheffou, Fredj Jawadi, Wael Louhichi, R Randrianarivony

Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting


Analyzing Heterogeneous Stock Price Comovements through Hybrid Approaches

2016, vol.27, pp.541-559

Souhir Chlibi, Fredj Jawadi, Mohamed Sellami

Open Economies Review


Fiscal and Monetary Policies in the BRICs: A Panel VAR Approach

2016, vol.58, pp.535-542

Fredj Jawadi, Sushanta Mallick, Ricardo Sousa

Economic Modelling


Maurice Potron, Ragnar Frisch and Potron's economic model

2016, vol.71, pp.127-149

Christian Bidard, Guido Erreygers

Cahiers d'Economie Politique


La foi et l'économie : Maurice Potron, précurseur de l'analyse input-output

2016, vol.71, pp.91-125

Christian Bidard, Guido Erreygers

Cahiers d'Economie Politique



2016, vol.71, pp.7-10

Christian Bidard, Guido Erreygers

Cahiers d'Economie Politique

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