Photo Eric Langlais
  • Email
  • Phone professional


  • Office in Paris Nanterre


  • Research group

      Comportements, Droits et Bien-être

  • Theme(s)
    • Criminalité, délinquance
    • Economie des litiges et de la justice
    • Droit et économie
    • Accidents industriels
    • Responsabilité environnementale


University Paris Nanterre 

Building Maurice Allais, Room 308 B

200, Avenue de la République

92001 Nanterre cedex - FRANCE


telephone : + 33 (0) 140 975 914

Email :


Curriculum Vitae




  • Economics of Risk and Uncertainty
  • Public Economics
  • Economics of Insurance & Financial Markets


  • Tort Law and Liability
  • Criminality
  • Economics of Litigations and Justice





  • Associate Editor of the journal The Review of Finance and Banking
  • Associate Editor of the journal International Review of Law and Economics
  • Member of the Board of the Association Française d'Economie du Droit
  • Member of the Executive Board of the European Association of Law & Economics, 2016-2019
  • Member of the European Association of Law & Economics
  • General Secretary of the European Association of Law & Economics, 2015-2018
  • Member of the American Law & Economics Association
  • Member of the Association Française de Science Economique
  • Expert Economy-Management for the AERES (Agency for the Assessment of Research and Higher Education)
  • Expert the ANR (National Agency for the Research)



Webinar TELE – Theoretical European Law & Economics


Theoretical European Law & Economics

A new Webinar TELE – Theoretical European Law & Economics has been launched in June 2023, co-organized by Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci (U Amsterdam), Luigi Franzoni (U Bologna), Tim Friehe (U Marburg), Fernando Gómez (U Pompeu Fabra), Henrik Lando (Copenhagen Business School), Eric Langlais (U Paris Nanterre), Avraham Tabbach (U Tel Aviv). This webinar that will be held ONLINE (one talk per slot) is dedicated to the presentation of theoretical papers (completed or in progress) in any field of Law and Economics. The speaker will have 45/50 minutes for the presentation and there will be 30/25 minutes for questions and comments. Registering is mandatory in order to receive Zoom credentials. More information at , or write to



INFORMATIONS SEMINAIRE LIEN 2024-2025 - ATTENTION: changement de jour

« Law, Institutions and Economics in Nanterre » 

The seminare LIEN-"Law, Institutions and Economics in Nanterre" is open to all the researchers who are interested in the relationships between law, economics and institutions. It sets two Tuesdays a month in the offices of EconomiX, Building G-Maurice Allais, room 614, Campus of Paris Nanterre. The programme 2023-2024 can be seen on the webpage of the seminare at: « Law, Institutions and Economics in Nanterre ».



Recent publications

  • Cournot competition on the Hotelling's line yields at most three varieties, with Andreea Cosnita (EconomiX, U Paris Nanterre), Review of Industrial Organization, vol. 65, October 2024. article annexe
  • Environmental liability and product differentiation: strict liability vs negligence revisited, with Andreea Cosnita (EconomiX, U Paris Nanterre), International Review of Law and Economics, vol. 79, September 2024. online article annexe
  • Firm liability when third-parties and consumers incur cumulative harm, with Tim Friehe and Elisabeth Schulte (MACIE, University of Marburg), Environmental and Resource Economics, vol. 81, January 2022.
  • A Note on the Optimality of Domain-Specific Liability, with Tim Friehe and Elisabeth Schulte (MACIE, University of Marburg), Review of Law and Economics, vol. 18, June 2022.


Works in progress, Mimeos 

NB: For previous works, see my webpage on ECONPAPERS

  • « Which liability laws for Robots ? », in revision for Revue Economique, with Nanxi Li (EconomiX, U Paris Nanterre).
  • « Law enforcement with unlawful investigations and enforcer's liability », with Ken Yahagi (University Seikei, Tokyo).
  • « Liability exemption for consumers' harm », with Andreea Cosnita (EconomiX, U Paris Nanterre).
  • « Product liability influences incentives for horizontal mergers », with Andreea Cosnita (EconomiX, U Paris Nanterre) and Tim Friehe (MACIE, University of Marburg). article
  • « On the duty to monitor robots », with Nanxi Li (EconomiX, U Paris Nanterre).
  • « Market power, product liability, and product differentiation », with Andreea Cosnita (EconomiX, U Paris Nanterre). article
  • « Criminal mental accounting ».
  • « Uncertainty in liability assignment : market and welfare consequences of unstable rules ». article
  • « Apportioning indivisible environmental harms, and the Joint and Several Liability doctrine », with Maxime Charreire (EconomiX, U Paris Nanterre). article
  • « "Notched" penalty schemes ». article
  • « More prisons, more incarcerations. Costly punishments and the political market ». article
  • « Enforcing weak patents: the role of litigation costs, and damage rules in patent disputes », with Bertrand Chopard and Thomas Cortade. article
  • « Analyse économique et droit pénal : contributions, débats, limites » (nov 2011). article


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