Can education be good for both growth and the environment?

2013, vol.17, pp.1135-1157

Thierry Bréchet, Fabien Prieur

Macroeconomic Dynamics


Public infrastructure, non-cooperative investments and endogenous growth

2013, vol.46, pp.587-610

Charles Figuières, Fabien Prieur, Mabel Tidball

Canadian Journal of Economics / Revue canadienne d'économique


On the timing and optimality of capital controls: Public Expenditures, Debt Dynamics and Welfare

2013, vol.9, pp.101-112

Raouf Boucekkine, Aude Pommeret, Fabien Prieur

International Journal of Economic Theory


Global emission ceiling versus international cap and trade: What is the most efficient system to solve the climate change issue?

2013, vol.18, pp.493-508

Jacqueline Morgan, Fabien Prieur

Environmental Modeling and Assessment


Optimal regime switching and threshold effects

2013, vol.37, pp.2979-2997

Raouf Boucekkine, Aude Pommeret, Fabien Prieur

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control


Optimal extraction-emission policy in a world of scarcity and irreversibility

2013, vol.35, pp.637-658

Fabien Prieur, Mabel Tidball, Cees Withagen

Resource and Energy Economics


A Long run analysis of residential water consumption

2013, vol.33, pp.536-544

Younes Ben Zaied

Economics Bulletin


The Indirect Continuum GMM Estimation

2013, vol.76, pp.464-488

Rachidi Kotchoni

Computational Statistics and Data Analysis


"Business Cycle Synchronization between Euro Area and C entral and E astern E uropean C ountries

2013, vol.17, pp.379-395

Balázs Egert, Rebeca Jiménez-Rodríguez, Amalia Morales-Zumaquero

Review of Development Economics


Approximate whittle analysis of fractional cointegration and the stock market synchronization issue

2013, vol.34, pp.98-105

Gilles de Truchis

Economic Modelling


South East Asian monetary integration : new evidences from fractional cointegration of RER

2013, vol.26, pp.394-412

Gilles de Truchis, Benjamin Keddad

Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money


Learning by Failing: A Simple Buffer for VaR

2013, vol.22, pp.0-0

Christophe Boucher, Bertrand Maillet

Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments


An Economic Evaluation of Model Risk in Long-term Asset Allocations

2013, vol., pp.0-0

Christophe Boucher, Gregory Jannin, Patrick Kouontchou, Bertrand Maillet

Review of International Economics


Why the Greek CDS settlement did not lead to the feared meltdown

2013, vol.17, pp.135-150

Virginie Coudert, Mathieu Gex

Financial Stability Review, Banque de France


Effect of pollution on the total factor productivity and the Hopf bifurcation

2013, vol.33, pp.2328-2339

David Desmarchelier

Economics Bulletin


Demography and pollution

2013, vol.67, pp.316-323

Stefano Bosi, David Desmarchelier

Research in Economics


Does the ECB consider the persistence of inflation differentials?

2013, vol.33, pp.2129-2139

Hamza Bennani

Economics Bulletin


L'effacement des dettes des particuliers surendettés : une étude empirique des décisions judicaires

2013, vol., pp.81-99

Régis Blazy, Bertrand Chopard, Eric Langlais, Ydriss Ziane

Economie et Prévision


Dynamic factor models: A review of the literature

2013, vol.2, pp.73-107

Karim Barhoumi, Olivier Darné, Laurent Ferrara

Journal of Business Cycle Measurement and Analysis


Le secteur coton au Mali dans un piège de sous-accumulation ?

2013, vol.164, pp.13-33

Rémi Generoso, Vincent Geronimi, Claire Mainguy

Mondes en développement


L’habitat écologique à l’épreuve de son public

2013, vol., pp.0-0

Vincent Renauld-Giard


Immigration, growth and unemployment: Panel VAR evidence from OECD countries

2013, vol.27, pp.399-420

Ekrame Boubtane, Dramane Coulibaly, Christophe Rault

Labour: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations


Une revue de la littérature des modèles à facteurs dynamiques

2013, vol., pp.0-0

Karim Barhoumi, Olivier Darné, Laurent Ferrara

Economie et Prévision


Evaluation of regime switching models for real-time business cycle analysis of the euro area

2013, vol.32, pp.577-586

Monica Billio, Laurent Ferrara, Dominique Guégan, Gian Luigi Mazzi

Journal of Forecasting


Keynes after the economics of conventions

2013, vol.10, pp.179-195

Olivier Favereau

Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review


Viability of Transboundary Fisheries and International Quota Allocation: The Case of the Bay of Biscay Anchovy

2013, vol.61, pp.259-282

Richard Curtin, Vincent Martinet

Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics


Effect of soil heterogeneity on the welfare economics of biofuel policies

2013, vol.32, pp.218-229

Vincent Martinet

Land Use Policy


The impact of changes in second pension pillars on public finances in Central and Eastern Europe: The case of Poland

2013, vol.37, pp.473-491

Balázs Egert

Economic Systems


L'investissement socialement responsable à la recherche de nouveaux élans ?

2013, vol., pp.69-77

Patricia Crifo, Nicolas Mottis

Revue Française de Gestion


Italian Regulation of Electricity Distribution and its Impact on Efficiency, Investments and Innovation: A Qualitative Assessment

2013, vol.14, pp.363-382

Simona Benedettini, Federico Pontoni

Competition and Regulation in Network Industries (CRNI)

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