On the Determinants of Equity International Risk Premium: Are Emerging Zones Differents?

2013, vol.33, pp.597-611

Ilyes Abid, Mohamed El Hedi Arouri, Khaled Guesmi, Frederic Teulon

Economics Bulletin


Public Bank Lending in Times of Crisis

2013, vol.9, pp.820-830

Michael Brei, Alfredo Schclarek

Journal of Financial Stability


Adjustment mechanisms and exchange rate regimes in new 2004 EU members during the financial crisis

2013, vol.25, pp.1-17

Jean-Pierre Allegret, Emilija Beker-Pucar, Kosta Josifidis

Post-Communist Economies


Les mésalignements de taux de change réels à l’intérieur de la zone euro

2013, vol.127, pp.37-56

Virginie Coudert, Cécile Couharde, Valérie Mignon

Revue de l'OFCE


On the links between stock and commodity markets’ volatility

2013, vol.37, pp.16-28

Anna Creti, Marc Joëts, Valérie Mignon

Energy Economics


Les déréglements financiers

2013, vol.11, pp.21-28

Yamina Tadjeddine

sens dessous


Equity risk premia and time horizon : what do US secular data say?

2013, vol.34, pp.76-88

Georges Prat

Economic Modelling


On Currency Misalignments within the Euro Area

2013, vol.21, pp.35-48

Virginie Coudert, Cécile Couharde, Valérie Mignon

Review of International Economics


Optimal Carbon Capture and Storage Policies

2013, vol.18, pp.417-426

Alain Ayong Le Kama, Mouez Fodha, Gilles Lafforgue

Environmental Modeling and Assessment


Fight Cartels or Control Mergers? On the Optimal Allocation of Enforcement Efforts within Competition Policy

2013, vol.34, pp.34-40

Andreea Cosnita-Langlais, Jean-Philippe Tropeano

International Review of Law and Economics


How do currency misalignments' threshold affect economic growth?

2013, vol.36, pp.106-120

Audrey Allegret, Cécile Couharde

Journal of Macroeconomics


What can we tell about monetary policy synchronization and interdependence over the 2007-2009 global financial crisis?

2013, vol., pp.0-0

Mohamed El Hedi Arouri, Fredj Jawadi, Duc Khuong Nguyen

Journal of Macroeconomics


Rescue packages and bank lending

2013, vol.37, pp.490-505

Michael Brei, Leonardo Gambacorta, Goetz von Peter

Journal of Banking and Finance


Testing for Granger-Causality in Distribution Tails: An Application to Oil Markets Integration

2013, vol.31, pp.276-285

Bertrand Candelon, Marc Joëts, Sessi Tokpavi

Economic Modelling


Does Bayesian Shrinkage Help to Better Reflect What Happened During the Subprime Crisis?

2013, vol.31, pp.423-432

Ilyes Abid, Khaled Guesmi, Olfa Kaabia

Economic Modelling


Well-being Disparities within the Paris Region: A Capabilist Spatialised Outlook

2013, vol.50, pp.1575-1591

Lise Bourdeau-Lepage, Élisabeth Tovar

Urban Studies


Threshold Linkages between Volatility and Trading Volume: Evidence from Developed and Emerging Markets

2013, vol., pp.0-0

Fredj Jawadi, Loredana Ureche-Rangau

Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics


On price convergence in Eurozone

2013, vol.34, pp.42-51

David Guerreiro, Valérie Mignon

Economic Modelling


Working in family firms: paid less but more secure? Evidence from French matched employer-employee data

2013, vol.66, pp.0-0

Andrea Bassanini, Thomas Breda, Eve Caroli, Antoine Rebérioux

Industrial and Labor Relations Review


Modeling the horizon-dependent ex-ante risk premium in the foreign exchange market: evidence from survey data

2013, vol.23, pp.33-54

Georges Prat, Remzi Uctum

Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money


On Stackelberg competition in strategic multilateral exchange

2013, vol.67, pp.59-75

Ludovic A. Julien

Research in Economics


Remittances and growth in Sub-Saharan African countries

2013, vol.25, pp.310-324

Ibrahim Ahamada, Dramane Coulibaly

Journal of International Development


Will technological progress be sufficient to stabilize CO2 emissions from air transport in the mid-term?

2013, vol.18, pp.91-96

Julien Chevallier, Benoît Chèze, Pascal Gastineau

Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment


Are Islamic finance innovations enough for investors to escape from a financial downturn? Further evidence from portfolio simulations

2013, vol., pp.0-0

Mohamed El Hedi Arouri, Hachmi BEN AMEUR, Fredj Jawadi, Nabila Jawadi, Wael Louhichi

Applied Economics


Sources d’inefficience et ajustement asymétrique des cours boursiers

2013, vol., pp.0-0

Mohamed El Hedi Arouri, Fredj Jawadi

Revue Sciences de Gestion


Pension Funds’ Allocation in Hedge Funds: an Analysis of US Defined Benefit Plans

2013, vol.45, pp.3701-3710

Vincent Bouvatier, Sandra Rigot

Applied Economics


Stock spams: another kind of stock prices manipulation

2013, vol.29, pp.0-0

Bouchaib BAHLI, Taoufik Bouraoui, Mohamed Mehanaoui

Journal of Applied Business Research


The Macroeconomic Effects of Large Exchange Rate Appreciations

2013, vol., pp.0-0

Marcus Kappler, Helmut Reisen, Moritz Schularick, Edouard Turkisch

Open Economies Review


Is the Market Portfolio Efficient? A New Test of Mean-Variance Efficiency when All Assets Are Risky

2013, vol.34, pp.7-41

Marie Brière, Bastien Drut, Valérie Mignon, Kim Oosterlinck, Ariane Szafarz



Financial variables as leading indicators of GDP growth: Evidence from a MIDAS approach during the Great Recession

2013, vol.20, pp.233-237

Laurent Ferrara, Clément Marsilli

Applied Economics Letters

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