2021, vol.n°3, pp.p. 7-58
Camille Chaserant, Corine Namont Dauchez, Sophie Harnay
Revue juridique de la Sorbonne / Sorbonne Law Review
2021, vol.29, pp.112 - 145
Alexandre Chirat Alexandre Chirat, Thibault Guicherd
European Journal of the History of Economic Thought
2021, vol.22, pp.629-642
Mounir Amdaoud, Giuseppe Arcuri, Nadine Levratto
European Journal of Health Economics
Benjamin Monnery
Lexbase Pénal
2021, vol.97, pp.105024
Margaux Escoffier, Emmanuel Hache, Valérie Mignon, Anthony Paris
Energy Economics
2021, vol.60, pp.219-242
Éric Bonsang, Eve Caroli
Industrial Relations
2021, vol.14, pp.258-263
Alexandre Chirat
Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics
2021, vol.12, pp.1-14
Tarek Jaber-Lopez, Esther Blanco, Alexandra Baier, Felix Holzmeister, Natalie Struwe
Frontiers in Psychology
2021, vol.141, pp.71-102
Valérie Mignon, Jorge Carrera, Blaise Gnimassoun, Romain Restout
Annals of Economics and Statistics
2021, vol.94, pp.789-803
Zouhair Ait Benhamou, Lesly Cassin
Economic Modelling
Nadine Levratto, Matthieu Chtioui
Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine
2021, vol.72
Dominique Meurs, Claudio Lucifora, Elena Villar
Labour Economics
2021, vol.12, pp.732184
Tarek Jaber-Lopez, Loukas Balafoutas, Aurora Garcia-Gallego, Nikolaos Georgantzis, Evangelos Mitrokostas
Frontiers in Psychology
2021, vol.182, pp.421-436
Georges Prat, Remzi Uctum
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
2021, vol.44, pp.2703-2737
Luc Jacolin, Joseph Keneck Massil, Alphonse Noah
The World Economy
2021, vol.140
Elizavetta Dorinet, Pierre-André Jouvet, Julien Wolfersberger
World Development
Elizavetta Dorinet, Pierre-André Jouvet, Wolfersberger Julien
World Development
2021, vol.131, pp.609-635
Beatrice Cherrier, Aurélien Saïdi
Revue d'économie politique
2021, vol.63, pp.200-223
Balázs Egert
Comparative Economic Studies
2021, vol.25, pp.1-17
Merih Uctum, Remzi Uctum, Chu-Ping C Vijverberg
Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics
2021, vol.190, pp.107210
Jérôme Deyris, Moritz Baer, Emanuele Campiglio
Ecological Economics
2021, vol.165, pp.94-117
Valérie Mignon, Cécile Couharde, Carl Grekou
International Economics
2021, vol.36, pp.82-115
Sophie Harnay, Joseph Keneck Massil
Economic History of Developing Regions
2021, pp.33-40
Olivier Favereau
Revue de l'Organisation Responsable
Anna Creti
Annales des mines - Série Responsabilité et environnement
Anicet Kabre
B.E. Journal in Theoretical Economics, Topics in Theoretical Economics
2021, vol.376
Ivan Berlin, Noémi Berlin, Marie Malecot, Mathilde Breton, Florence Jusot, Léontine Goldzahl
British Medical Journal
Nadine Levratto, Xavier Brédart, Nabil Khelil
Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat
Christophe Boucher, Sessi Tokpavi, Patrick Kouontchou, Alexandre Jasinski
Quantitative Finance