9h45 Accueil des participants.
10h-11h - Marie Laure Coquelet :
"La cession de l'entreprise en difficulté"
11h-12h - Nadine Levratto :
"Bankruptcy: from moral order to economic efficiency”
12h-13h45 Déjeuner – Buffet
13h45- 14h45 - Tristan Auvray et Olivier Brossard :
"The impact of ownership concentration on the monitoring and influence effects of shareholders market discipline?
An empirical assessment in the case of European banks"
14h45-15h45 - David Mayes :
"Lessons from the Northern Rock Episode"
Pause café 15h45 – 16h
16h – 17h - Vincent Bignon et Jérôme Sgard :
"On the evolution of the bankruptcy rate in 19th century France"