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4th Law and Economic Policy International Workshop

EconomiX (CNRS and Paris Nanterre) and LEDa (CNRS and Paris Dauphine - PSL)


DECEMBER 12-13, 2019
University Paris – Nanterre


pdf Program



EconomiX (CNRS and Paris Nanterre), LEDa (CNRS and Paris Dauphine - PSL) and the University of Piemonte Orientale will jointly organize the 4th Law and Economic Policy International Workshop. The workshop in 2019 will take place on December 12th and 13th, 2019 at the Conference Hall of the university Paris Nanterre. This workshop aims to facilitate discussions and cross-fertilization between academics and professionals regarding current issues in bankruptcy laws.

The theme of the 2019 edition is "Personal and corporate bankruptcy laws: national rules, local impact ". Some particularly relevant topics are:
  - Local judicial practices and specificities of bankruptcies
  - Heterogeneity in commercial court decisions
  - Preventive bankruptcy procedures
  - Local personal bankruptcy law application and entrepreneurship
  - Cross-Border Bankruptcies, Local Rules and Conflicts of Jurisdiction
Theoretical, empirical, and policy oriented proposals are welcome.

The workshop consists in 6 thematic sessions. One hour is devoted to each paper : 30 minutes for the presentation by the author(s), 10 minutes for the comments by a discussant and 20 minutes for the discussion with the audience. This organization enables longer discussions with the audience than what is nowadays possible during the international conferences in the field.


Important dates
Call for papers: July 15, 2019
Deadline for submissions: September 30th, 2019
Selection of papers: October 15th, 2019
Registration and payment of fees: before November 15th, 2019 (upcoming link)


Participation fees
Students (Master, PhD): 50 euros.
Academics: 100 euros.
Institutions and Non Academics: 200 euros
The registration fees cover conference fees, coffee breaks, second day lunch and gala dinner. They to do not cover travel and accommodation costs.

Anne Epaulard, LEDa, university Paris Dauphine - PSL
Nadine Levratto, CNRS EconomiX university Paris Nanterre
Giovanni Battista Ramello, University of Piemonte Orientale and university Paris Nanterre

Scientific Committee
Giuseppe Arcuri (university Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne); Régis Blazy (university of Strasbourg), Marco Cucculelli (Università Politecnica delle Marche), Johan Eklund (Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum), Eric Langlais (university Paris Nanterre), Alain Marciano (university of Montpellier), Alessandro Melcarne (university Paris Nanterre), Kristina Nystrom (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm), Saïd Souam (university Paris Nanterre), Marianna Succurro (university of Calabria).


Information and submission of proposals

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