As liberalization advances and new environmental and energy markets grow and develop, the interaction between energy and finance is becoming of crucial importance. For instance, in the deregulated electricity and gas markets risk management is highly complex and challenging. This phenomenon is amplified by the trading opportunities in carbon markets. More generally, energy commodities are becoming closer to financial commodities. In this context, effective market supervision and monitoring competencies will need to be developed by the regulatory institutions.
The conference “Finance and Energy Issues”, jointly organized by ECONOMIX-UNIVERSITE PARIS OUEST NANTERRE LA DEFENSE and CNRS, and IPAG BUSINESS SCHOOL, will shed lights on these issues, by bringing together researchers in economics, finance and econometrics.
Energy Studies Review special issue associated to the Conference. Energy Studies Review has committed to publish a special issue on the conference topics. Papers submitted to this special issue will undergo the normal journal review process.
We are pleased to announce our keynote speakers
The Scientific Committee welcomes presentations in the following areas:
The conference will feature invited speakers and contributed talks. We invite all interested researchers to send papers for consideration to be presented at the conference. Please submit extended abstracts or papers in pdf at by December 20th, 2012. Notification of accepted papers will be sent to authors by January 30th.