Jeudi 7 décembre 2017 (9h30-17h00)
Université Paris Nanterre
Bât. Max Weber
Salle Sémianire 2
09h30-10h20: K. Schubert - Macroéconomie et environnement
10h20-11h10: K. Constant - Unequal vulnerability to climate change and the transmission of adverse effects through international trade
11h10-11h30: Pause
11h30-12h20: H. d'Albis - Development, fertility and childbearing age: A unified growth theory
12h20-14h00: Pause déjeuner - Buffet
14h00-14h50: G. Fabbri - A spatial Model of Fish Wars
14h50-15h40: N. Querou - Extracting spatial resources under possible regime shift
15h40-16h00: Pause
16h00-17h00: Discussion