
Digital Business Models: Understanding Strategies

A workshop to be held in Paris, June 25-26, 2010
Eric Brousseau (EconomiX, U. Paris Ouest) & Thierry Pénard (CREM, U. Rennes 1)

The aim of the workshop is to understand the strategies and dynamics of digital business models . The workshop will gather a set of scholars working on these issues and will address in particular the following topics:

  • the strategic interdependency among the provision of matching, assembling and knowledge management services
  • the most relevant features characterizing demand — e.g. heterogeneity in users preferences, willingness to pay for quality, organized solidarity among users, etc —
  • the dynamic capabilities to be developed by competitors in an industry characterized by permanent innovation and a ‘winner-takes-all’ race that lead to permanently enrich and renew supply
  • the inherent difficulty in managing innovative capability and commercial image, when the supply of services is continually being extended to new domains (that require new capabilities and the evolution of commercial practice)


Amphithéâtre Hubert Curien
62 bis, rue Gay Lussac
75005 Paris
Bus n°21 or 27 (Station “Feuillantines”)

Daily Schedule

The workshop will start every morning on June 25th at 9:00 am and will finish on June 26th at 2:30 pm.

Basic format of all sessions

Presentation: 30 minutes
Discussants: 20 minutes (2 x 10 minutes each)
Questions: 15 minutes


June 25, 2010 - Chair: Alain Vallée

Morning session 9h-12h45
Session 1: Innovation, Externalities and Pricing

  • 9h-10h05 Erik Brynjolfsson (MIT Sloan School of Management and MIT Center for Digital Business) and Michael Zhang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
    "Producer Innovation Incentives and Revenue Distribution of Bundled Products
    Discussants: Marianne Verdier (University Paris Ouest) and Paul Belleflamme (CORE & Louvain School of Management)
  • 10h05-11h10 Paul Belleflamme (CORE, University of Louvain), Thomas Lambert (CORE, University of Louvain) and Armin Schwienbacher (CORE, University of Louvain)
    "Crowdfunding: An Industrial Organization Perspective"
    Discussants: Michael Arnold (University of Delaware) and Jean-Michel Dalle (University Pierre & Marie Curie)

11h10-11h40 Coffee Break

12h45 – 14h00 Lunch break

Afternoon session: 14h00-18h50
Session 2: The economics of Open Source

  • 14h00-15h05 Jean-Michel Dalle (University Pierre & Marie Curie), Matthijs den Besten (Ecole Polytechnique), Alessandro Rossi and Loris Gaio (University of Trento)
    "Community Management through Meta-Data in Wikipedia"
    Discussants: Inna Lyubareva (Ecole Polytechnique) and Sylvain Dejean (Telecom Bretagne)
  • 15h05-16h10 Nicolas Jullien (Télécom Bretagne), Jean-Benoît Zimmermann (Grequam)
    FLOSS Firms, Users and Communities: a Viable Match?
    Discussants: Eric Darmon (University  Rennes 1) and Anindya Ghose (NYU Stern School of Business)

16h10-16h40 Coffee break

Session 3: The economics of Digitization

  • 16h40-17h45 Marc Bourreau (Telecom Paris Tech) and François Moreau (CNAM)
    "Digitization and Entrepreneurship: Self-releasing in the Recorded Music Industry."
    Discussants: Raphael Suire (University  Rennes 1) and Eric Brousseau (University of Paris Ouest, EconomiX)
  • 17h45-18h50 Eric Brousseau (University of Paris Ouest, EconomiX), Thierry Pénard (University of Rennes 1) and Li Zhiwen (University of Rennes 1, CREM)
    "How do electronic platforms affect transactions in vertically-related markets?”
    Discussants: Godefroy Dang Nguyen (Telecom Bretagne) and Inna Lyubareva (Ecole Polytechnique)

20h00: Dinner

June 26, 2010 Chair: Joelle Tolédano

Morning session 9h-13h50
Session 4: Online Advertising

11h10-11h40 Coffee Break

Session 5: The economics of user-generated content

  • 11h40-12h45 Alexia Gaudeul (GSBC, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena)
    “Reciprocal Attention and Norm of Reciprocity in Blogging Networks
    Discussants: Raphael Suire (University  Rennes 1) and Eric Darmon (University Rennes 1)
  • 12h45-13h50 Anindya Ghose (New York University)
    “Estimating Demand in the Hotel Industry by Mining User-Generated and Crowdsourced Content”
    Discussants: Kevin Mellet (Orange Labs) and François Moreau (CNAM)

13h50 – 14h30 Lunch break

End of the workshop


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