Ph.D. seminar in law and economics
Thursday 12 and Friday 13 March 2009
University of Paris Ouest
Building B
Room 016 (March 12th) and 015 (March 13th)
First day : Thursday 12 March
Morning session - Chair : Louis Visscher
09.45 : Opening with few words of welcome Bruno Deffains and Michael Faure
- 10.00 – 10.45: Session one
10.00-10.20 : Laura Tilindyte (Metro, Maastricht University) :
Efficient sanctions for breaches of occupational health and safety regulation
10.20-10.30 : Discussant: Ann-Sophie van den Berghe (RILE, Erasmus University Rotterdam)
10.30-10.45 : General discussion
- 10.45-11.30 : Session two
10.45- 11.05 : Hanneke Luth (RILE, Erasmus University Rotterdam) :
So if people are not rational, then what? Implications of insights from experimental law and economics for policy making
11.05-11.15 : Discussant: Eric Brousseau Paris, Nanterre University
11.15-11.30 : General discussion
11.30-11.45 : Coffee break
- 11.45-12.15 : Session three
11.45-12.05 : Sharon Oded (RILE, Erasmus University Rotterdam) :
Inducing corporate compliance by an optimal enforcement policy
12.05-12.15 : Discussant: Bertrand Crettez (Paris, Nanterre University)
- 12.15-13.00 : Session four
12.15-12.35 : Sonja Keske (RILE, Erasmus University Rotterdam) :
Economic analysis of class actions
12.35-12.45 : Discussant: Bruno Deffains (Paris, Nanterre University)
12.45-13.00 : General discussion sessions three and four
13.00-14.30 : Lunch
Afternoon session - Chair: Michael Faure
- 14.30-15.15 : Session five
14.30-14.50 : Claudia Desogus (EDLE, University of Bologna) :
The impact of Parallel trade on innovation
14.50-15.00 : Discussant: Alessandra Arcuri (RILE, Erasmus University Rotterdam)
15.00-15.15 : General discussion
- 15.15-16.00 : Session six
15.15-15.35 : Pierre Jolivet (Paris, Nanterre University) :
Efficiency of Opt-in and Opt-out Models of Class Actions
15.35-15.45 : Discussant: Louis Visscher (RILE, Erasmus University Rotterdam)
15.45-16.00 : General discussion
16.00-16.15 : Coffee break
- 16.15-16.45 : Session seven
16.15-16.35 : Katka Svatikova (RILE, Erasmus University Rotterdam) :
Enforcement of environmental law in the Flemish region
16.35-16.45 : Discussant: Roberto Galbiati (Paris, Nanterre University)
- 16.45-17.30 : Session eight
16.45-17.05 : Stefano Clo (University of Bologna) :
The ETS third trading period 2013-2020 – Analysis of the 2008 European Commission proposal
17.05-17.20 : Discussant : Andreea Cosnita (Paris, Nanterre University)
17.20-17.30 : General discussion of sessions seven and eight
17.30 : End of first day of seminar
20.00 : Dinner
Second day : Friday 13 March
Morning session - Chair : Eric Brousseau
- 09.00-09.45 : Session nine
09.00-09.20 : Natalia Lyarskaya (Paris, Nanterre University) :
Design of Technology Licensing Agreements: New Empirical Evidences
09.20-09.30 : Discussant : Alessio Pacces (RILE, Erasmus University Rotterdam)
09.30-09.45 : General discussion
- 09.45-10.30 : Session ten
09.45-10.05 : Rosa Castro (EDLE, University of Bologna) :
Limited injunctive relief for infringed patents: international and comparative law and economics view
10.05-10.15 : Discussant : Niels Philipsen (Metro, Maastricht University)
10.15-10.30 : General discussion
10.30-10.45 : Coffee Break
- 10.45-11.30 : Session eleven
10.45-11.05 : Gwendoline Blondelot (Paris, Nanterrre University) :
Land markets and institutional innovation: Farm land in the subsistence and risk coping strategies of poor rural households
11.05-11.15 : Discussant: Michael Faure (Metro, Maastricht University & RILE, Erasmus University Rotterdam)
11.15-11.30 : General discussion
- 11.30-12.15 : Session twelve
11.30-11.50 : Ludivine Roussey (Paris, Nanterre University) :
Justice expenditure and Rental Housing
11.50-12.00 : Discussant: Ann-Sophie van den Berghe (RILE, Erasmus University Rotterdam)
12.00-12.15 : General discussion
- 12.15-13.00 : Session thirteen
12.15-12.35 : Marina Dodlova, (Paris, Nanterre University) : Political Power of the Public Bureaucracy in Democracies
12.35-12.45 : Discussant: Alessio Pacces (RILE, Erasmus University Rotterdam)
12.45-13.00 : General discussion
13.00-14.15 : Lunch
Afternoon session - Chair : Roberto Galbiati
14.15-15.00 : General discussion
15.00-15.30 : Evaluation of the seminar (further collaboration, exchange of information, plans for the future)
15.30 : Closing of the seminar