History of Altruism Research Group Workshop
Second ANR Workshop:
The self-interest model and seemingly unselfish behavior in
postwar social science
23 May 2008
École normale supérieure de Cachan
Cournot Building, Room #205-207

To launch the discussion
Second ANR Workshop:
The self-interest model and seemingly unselfish behavior in
postwar social science
23 May 2008
École normale supérieure de Cachan
Cournot Building, Room #205-207
Clément Levallois (City University London)
The nine lives of altruism and ‘group selection’ in biology and economics
11:15-11:45am - Coffee break
Teresa Tomas Rangil (EconomiX-Cachan and CPNSS)
Explaining Altruism, Explaining Wars: Jack Hirshleifer, 1960-1993
1:00-2:30pm - Lunch
Roger Backhouse (University of Birmingham)
Altruism and rationality in macroeconomics
Luigino Bruni (Università di Milano-Bicocca)
Workshop end
All requests for information should be sent to :
Philippe Fontaine : philippe.fontaine<at>ens-cachan.fr (replace <at> with @)


How to reach ENS Cachan?

How to reach the conference room?
All requests for information should be sent to :
Philippe Fontaine : philippe.fontaine<at>ens-cachan.fr (replace <at> with @)