9h45-10h00: Welcome
10h-11h: Régis Boulat (University of Besançon)
Jean Fourastié and the recognition of productivity in France after World War II
11h-12h: Éric Chancellier (ESG Paris Business School)
Business cycles and the entropic clock of Haavelmo
12h00-13h00: Lunch
13h-14h: Evelyn Forget (University of Manitoba)
'At Best an echo': 18th and 19th century translation strategies
14h-15h: Peter Knight (University of Manchester)
Reading the market: Abstraction, personification and the stock ticker in 19th Century America
15h-15h30: Coffee break
15h30-16h30: Roei Davidson (University of Haïfa)
The iron cage transmitted: The role of the business press in homogenizing economic ideas and practices
16h30-17h30: Tiago Mata (University of Amsterdam)
Naming crisis: Oral history of financial media 2007-2008
17h30-18h00: General discussion