January 24th 2014, University Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense
Hélène Raymond (EconomiX), Edouard Turkisch (OCDE and EconomiX), Michel Boutillier (EconomiX), Désiré Omgba (EconomiX), Mohamed El Hadi Hemidet (EconomiX)
Bernardo Bortolotti : Trends and challenges in sovereign investment: the SWF discount.
Celeste Moles Lo Turco : Sovereign Wealth Funds: an opportunity properly managed?
Marie Brière (co-author: Zvie Bodie) : Optimal Asset Allocation for Sovereign Wealth Funds: Theory and Practice.
Viviane de Beaufort : An overview of FDI's regulations: striking the right balance between the need to attract and the need to protect.
Régis Bismuth : The Santiago Principles: a diversionary tactic by Sovereign Wealth Funds?
Malik Kerkour (co-authors: Jean-Yves Gnabo, Christelle Lecourt and Hélène Raymond) : Understanding the decision making process of Sovereign Wealth Funds: The case of Temasek