Workshop on the economic history of markets
Wednesday 4 April, 2007, 2 pm to 6.15 pm
University of Paris 10 - Nanterre
Building K, room 103 (first floor)
Vincent Bignon (EconomiX, University of Paris-Nanterre & Chaire de Finances internationales, Sciences Po)
Guillaume Daudin (University of Edinburgh and OFCE-Sciences Po)
2 pm: "Networks and Market Makers in Bank of England Stock: 1720"
Ann Carlos (University of Colorado at Boulder)
3.15 pm: "East India Bonds, 1718-1763. Exotic derivatives, efficiency and the financial revolution"
Pilar Nogués Marco and Camila Vam Malle (Chaire Finances internationales, Sciences Po)
4.30 pm: Pause
5 pm : "Measuring Monetary Discipline: Sweden's Monetary Internationalization under the Silver and the Gold Standard"
Anders Ögren (Stockholm School of Economics)
End of the workshop: 6.15 pm
This workshop is jointly sponsored by EconomiX (University of Paris 10 – Nanterre & CNRS) and the Chaire de finances internationales (Sciences Po).
To come to the university, you cant :
- take the R.E.R. (Network Regional Express train), line A, Saint-Germain-en-Laye direction - and to get off the train at the station Nanterre-University, located in edge of the campus.
- take the train at the Paris-Saint-Lazare station, direction Nanterre-University (terminus) or direction Maison-Laffites (to get off the train at the station Nanterre-University).