César Ducruet. Transport networks. International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment and Technology, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2016, ⟨10.1002/9781118786352.wbieg0024⟩. ⟨halshs-02610627⟩
César Ducruet. Graph theory. International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment and Technology, 85, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, pp.102729, 2016, ⟨10.1002/9781118786352.wbieg0490⟩. ⟨halshs-02610623⟩
César Ducruet, Bruno Marnot. Analyser les trafics portuaires mondiaux en 1890 et 1925 à partir des registres du Lloyd’s. La maritimisation du monde de la préhistoire à nos jours, Presses Universitaires de Paris-Sorbonne, pp.383-398, 2016, 1023105527. ⟨halshs-01419804⟩
Françoise Bahoken, Claire Lagesse, César Ducruet. L'approche cartographique de la représentation du mouvement spatial. L'exemple des flux commerciaux maritimes euro- méditerranéens. SAGEO 2016, Dec 2016, Nice, France. ⟨halshs-01622011⟩
Françoise Bahoken, Claire Lagesse, César Ducruet. L'approche cartographique de la représentation du mouvement spatial. L'exemple des flux commerciaux maritimes euro-méditerranéens. SAGEO 2016 - Spatial Analysis and Geomatics, Dec 2016, Nice, France. 17p. ⟨hal-01428974⟩
Mattia Bunel, César Ducruet, Claire Lagesse, Eric Mermet, Séléna Petit. Visualisation et analyse spatio-temporelle de trajectoires maritimes. Karine Emsellem ; Didier Josselin ; Diego Moreno Sierra ; Christine Voiron. SAGEO 2016, Dec 2016, Nice, France. , pp.591, 2016, Actes de la conférence SAGEO'2016 - Spatial Analysis and GEOmatics. ⟨hal-01614362⟩
F. Bahoken, Claire Lagesse, César Ducruet. Géovisualiser un mouvement dans l'espace géographique. L'exemple des flux maritimes. SIG2016 - Conférence de la Communauté Francophone Esri, ESRI France, Oct 2016, Versailles, France. ⟨hal-02094707⟩
César Ducruet, Sylvain Cuyala, Ali El Hosni. The changing influence of city-systems on global shipping networks : an empirical analysis. Journal of Shipping and Trade, 2016, Connecting the World through Global Shipping Networks, 1 (1), http://jshippingandtrade.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s41072-016-0006-2. ⟨halshs-01359158⟩
César Ducruet. La spatialité des réseaux maritimes. Géographie. Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, 2016. ⟨tel-01338110⟩
César Ducruet. Book review. International Maritime Transport Costs. Market Structures and Network Configurations. 2016. ⟨halshs-01622013⟩
César Ducruet. Les ports, des hubs en devenir ?. Sébastien Colin. La Chine, puissance maritime, Ateliers Henry Dougier, 2016, 979-10-312-0084-2. ⟨halshs-01338115⟩
César Ducruet. Port cities and global legacies – Alice MAH (2014) Book review – César Ducruet. 2016. ⟨halshs-01622009⟩
Fatima Z. Mohamed-Chérif, César Ducruet. Regional integration and maritime connectivity across the Maghreb seaport system. Journal of Transport Geography, 2016, 51, pp.280-293. ⟨10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2015.01.013⟩. ⟨halshs-01145664⟩
Darren Ronald Fraser, Theo E. Notteboom, César Ducruet. Peripherality in the global container shipping network : The case of the Southern African container port system. GeoJournal, 2016, 81 (1), pp.139-151. ⟨10.1007/s10708-014-9610-6⟩. ⟨halshs-01359159⟩
César Ducruet, Hidekazu Itoh. Regions and material flows : Investigating the regional branching and industry relatedness of port traffic in a global perspective. Journal of Economic Geography, 2016. ⟨hal-03246412⟩
César Ducruet. The polarization of global container flows by interoceanic canals: geographic coverage and network vulnerability. Maritime Policy and Management, 2016, Maritime economics in a Post-Expansion Panama Canal Era, 43 (2), pp.242-260. ⟨10.1080/03088839.2015.1022612⟩. ⟨halshs-00749639v3⟩
César Ducruet. Port-city relationships and global maritime flows in the last 120 years. Portus, 2016, 32, ⟨10.1186/s41072-016-0006-2⟩. ⟨hal-01623660⟩
Françoise Bahoken, Claire Lagesse, César Ducruet. Géovisualisation des flux maritimes mondiaux,. Les SIG à la carte : Recueil de cartes Esri France, volume 13, Esri France, pp 48-49, 2016. ⟨hal-01428987⟩
Françoise Bahoken, Claire Lagesse, César Ducruet. Géo-visualisation des flux maritimes mondiaux. 2016, pp.47-48. ⟨hal-01623666⟩
César Ducruet, Hidekazu Itoh. Regions and material flows: investigating the regional branching and industry relatedness of port traffic in a global perspective. Journal of Economic Geography, 2016, 16 (4), pp.805-830. ⟨10.1093/jeg/lbv010⟩. ⟨halshs-01145663⟩
César Ducruet. Inside the pond : an analysis of Northeast Asia’s long‐term maritime dynamics. International Journal of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, 2015, 7 (2), pp.25-40. ⟨halshs-01338116⟩
César Ducruet. Inter-Korean maritime flows: Beyond the border?. Portus, 2015, Across the waves, 30, http://portusonline.org/inter-korean-maritime-flows-beyond-the-border/. ⟨halshs-01338120⟩
César Ducruet. Interview - The man who brought containerisation to Europe. Portus, 2015, Compass, 29, http://portusonline.org/interview-the-man-who-brought-containerisation-to-europe/. ⟨halshs-01338121⟩
César Ducruet. Global maritime connectivity: a long-term perspective. Port Technology International, 2015, 65, http://www.porttechnology.org/images/uploads/technical_papers/034-036.pdf. ⟨halshs-01145658⟩
Elodie Buard, Thomas Devogele, César Ducruet. Trajectoires d’objets mobiles dans un espace support fixe. Revue Internationale de Géomatique, 2015, MODÉLISER LES DYNAMIQUES SPATIALES, 25 (3), pp.331-354. ⟨hal-01171521⟩
César Ducruet, Nora Mareï. The regionalization of maritime networks. Maritime networks, Spatial structures and time dynamics, , Routledge, p.330-349, 2015, Routledge Studies in Transport Analysis. ⟨halshs-01245718⟩
Nora Mareï, César Ducruet. The regionalization of maritime networks: Evidence from a comparative analysis of maritime basins. César Ducruet. Maritime Networks. Spatial Structures and Time Dynamics, Routledge Studies in Transport Analysis, pp.330-350, 2015, 9781138911253. ⟨halshs-01374950⟩
César Ducruet, Sébastien Haule, Kamel Ait-Mohand, Bruno Marnot, Laura Didier, et al.. Maritime shifts in the world economy: evidence from the Lloyd's List corpus, eighteenth to twenty-first centuries. César Ducruet. Maritime Networks. Spatial Structures and Time Dynamics, Routledge Studies in Transport Analysis, pp.134-160, 2015, 9781138911253. ⟨halshs-01374941⟩
Yann Alix, César Ducruet. Histoires maritimes et portuaires : leçons pour l'avenir de l'économie circulaire. Yann Alix; Nicolas Mat; Juliette Cerceau. Economie circulaire et écosystèmes portuaires, EMS Editions, pp.73-90, 2015, 978-2-84769-842-8. ⟨halshs-03086342⟩
César Ducruet, Hidekazu Itoh, Olivier Joly. Ports and the local embedding of commodity flows. Papers in Regional Science, 2015, 94 (3), pp.607-627. ⟨10.1111/pirs.12083⟩. ⟨halshs-01359156⟩