Valérie Mignon. Un bref aperçu des principaux développements en dynamique économique depuis les années 1970 : la diversité des explications des fluctuations économiques. Colloque Economie, mathématique et histoire. Hommage à Christian Bidard, 2014, Nanterre, France. ⟨hal-01411656⟩
Virginie Coudert, Cécile Couharde, Valérie Mignon. On the impact of oil price volatility on the real exchange rate. Journ , 2014, Guadeloupe, France. ⟨hal-01411698⟩
Valérie Mignon, Sessi Tokpavi, Catherine Kyrtsou (Dir.). Comovement and Contagion in Financial Markets. International Review of Financial Analysis, 33, 2014. ⟨hal-01636693⟩
Blaise Gnimassoun, Valérie Mignon. How macroeconomic imbalances interact? Evidence from a panel VAR analysis. 2014. ⟨hal-04141365⟩
Valérie Mignon. Un bref aperçu des principaux développements en dynamique économique depuis les années 1970 : la diversité des explications des fluctuations économiques. Economie, mathématique et histoire. Hommage à Christian Bidard, Presses Universitaires de Paris Ouest, pp.167 - 180, 2014. ⟨hal-01410761⟩
Jean-Pierre Allegret, Valérie Mignon, Audrey Allegret. Oil price shocks and global imbalances: Lessons from a model with trade and financial interdependencies. 2014. ⟨hal-04141352⟩
Virginie Coudert, Cécile Couharde, Valérie Mignon. On the impact of oil price volatility on the real exchange rate – terms of trade nexus: Revisiting commodity currencies. 2014. ⟨hal-04141367⟩
Jean-Pierre Allegret, Cécile Couharde, Valérie Mignon, Tovonony Razafindrabe. Current accounts and oil price fluctuations in oil-exporting countries: the role of financial development. 18th International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance , 2014, Rethymno, Greece. ⟨hal-01386099⟩
Jean-Pierre Allegret, Valérie Mignon, Audrey Allegret-Sallenave. Oil price shocks and global imbalances: Lessons from a model with trade and financial interdependencies. FINANDEBT International Conference, 2nd International Conference on Debt crises and Financial Stability: Global issues and Euro-Mediterranean perspectives, 2014, Toulon, France. ⟨hal-01386098⟩
Jean-Pierre Allegret, Cécile Couharde, Dramane Coulibaly, Valérie Mignon. Current accounts and oil price fluctuations in oil-exporting countries: the role of financial development. Journal of International Money and Finance, 2014, 47, pp.185 - 201. ⟨hal-01385946⟩
Catherine Kyrtsou, Valérie Mignon, Sessi Tokpavi (Dir.). Comovement and Contagion in Financial Markets. International Review of Financial Analysis, 2014. ⟨hal-01411480⟩
Antonia Lopez Villavicencio, Valérie Mignon. Nonlinearity of the inflation-output trade-off and time-varying price rigidity. International Association for Applied Econometrics (IAAE), 2014, London, United Kingdom. ⟨hal-01386097⟩
Menzie Chinn, Laurent Ferrara, Valérie Mignon. Explaining US employment growth after the Great Recession: the role of output-employment non-linearities. Journal of Macroeconomics, 2014, 42, pp.118 - 129. ⟨hal-01385949⟩
Marie Brière, Bastien Drut, Valérie Mignon, Kim Oosterlinck, Ariane Szafarz. Is the Market Portfolio Efficient? A New Test of Mean-Variance Efficiency when all Assets are Risky. Finance, 2013, 34 (1), pp.7 - 41. ⟨hal-01493323⟩
Antonia Lopez Villavicencio, Valérie Mignon. Nonlinearity of the inflation-output trade-off and time-varying price rigidity. 2013. ⟨hal-04141225⟩
Virginie Coudert, Cécile Couharde, Valérie Mignon. Les mésalignements de taux de change réels à l’intérieur de la zone euro. Revue de l'OFCE, 2013, 127, pp.37 - 56. ⟨hal-01385869⟩
Cécile Couharde, Issiaka Coulibaly, David Guerreiro, Valérie Mignon. Revisiting the theory of optimum currency areas: Is the CFA franc zone sustainable?. Journal of Macroeconomics, 2013, 38, pp.428 - 441. ⟨hal-01385891⟩
Virginie Coudert, Cécile Couharde, Valérie Mignon. Pegging emerging currencies in the face of dollar swings. Conference on Exchange Rate Regimes in Developing Countries, 2013, Berlin, Germany. ⟨hal-01411739⟩
David Guerreiro, Valérie Mignon. On price convergence in Eurozone. Economic Modelling, 2013, 34, pp.42 - 51. ⟨hal-01385859⟩
Virginie Coudert, Valérie Mignon. The ‘Forward Premium Puzzle’ and the Sovereign Default risk. Journal of International Money and Finance, 2013, 32, pp.491 - 511. ⟨10.1016/j.jimonfin.2012.05.025⟩. ⟨hal-01385839⟩
Jean-Pierre Allegret, Cécile Couharde, Valérie Mignon (Dir.). Recent international macroeconomic and financial issues. International Economics, 133, 2013. ⟨hal-01411481⟩
Jean-Pierre Allegret, Cécile Couharde, Dramane Coulibaly, Valérie Mignon. Current accounts and oil price fluctuations in oil-exporting countries: the role of financial development. 2013. ⟨hal-04141185⟩
Virginie Coudert, Cécile Couharde, Valérie Mignon. Pegging emerging currencies in the face of dollar swings. Applied Economics, 2013, 45 (36), pp.5076 - 5085. ⟨10.1080/00036846.2013.818215⟩. ⟨hal-01385885⟩
Menzie Chinn, Laurent Ferrara, Valérie Mignon. Post-recession US employment through the lens of a non-linear Okun’s law. 2013. ⟨hal-04141207⟩
Blaise Gnimassoun, Valérie Mignon. Current-account adjustments and exchange-rate misalignments. 2013. ⟨hal-04141182⟩
Virginie Coudert, Cécile Couharde, Valérie Mignon. Pegging emerging currencies in the face of dollar swings. 62nd Annual Meeting of the French Economic Association , 2013, Aix-en-Provence, France. ⟨hal-01411740⟩
Menzie Chinn, Laurent Ferrara, Valérie Mignon. Post-recession US employment through the lens of a non-linear Okun. International Symposium Forecasting (ISF), 2013, Seoul, South Korea. ⟨hal-01386100⟩
Virginie Coudert, Cécile Couharde, Valérie Mignon. On Currency Misalignments within the Euro Area. Review of International Economics, 2013, 21, pp.35 - 48. ⟨10.1111/roie.12018⟩. ⟨hal-01385866⟩
Anna Creti, Marc Joëts, Valérie Mignon. On the links between stock and commodity markets’ volatility. Energy Economics, 2013, 37, pp.16 - 28. ⟨10.1016/j.eneco.2013.01.005⟩. ⟨hal-01385868⟩
Cécile Couharde, Issiaka Coulibaly, David Guerreiro, Valérie Mignon. Revisiting the theory of optimum currency areas: Is the CFA franc zone sustainable?. 2012. ⟨hal-04141053⟩