Full Professor of Industrial
Economics POLIS - Institute of Public Policy and CollectiveChoices Università del Piemonte Orientale ‘AmedeoAvogadro’
Palazzo Borsalino Via Cavour, 84
15100 Alessandria -Italy tel. +39. 0131.283858 fax +39. 0131.283704 Mobile+39.338.7093216
email: giovanni.ramello@uniupo.it
personal webpage : https://sites.google.com/view/ramello/homehttps://upobook.uniupo.it/giovanni.ramello
Professor of Industrial Economics, Institute of Public Policy and Collective Choices POLIS, Dipartimento di Giursiprudenza, Scienze Politiche, Economiche e Sociali, University of Eastern Piedmont
Coordinator International PhD Program IEL in Comparative Analysis of Institutions, Economics and Law, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Torino (http://iel.carloalberto.org/index.aspx)
Associate Fellow of the International Center for Economic Research – ICER, Torino
Associate Editor Journal of Industrial and Business Economics (starting January 2015, Springer)
Co-Editor European Journal of Law and Economics (starting April 2014, Springer)
1995 Lecturer in Economics, Università Cattaneo
1996-1999 Researcher, Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli,Torino
2000-2001 Lecturer in Economics, Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia
2001-2005, Assistant Professor of Economics, Università Carlo Cattaneo, LIUC 2005-2016 Associate Professor of Economics, Università del Piemonte Orientale
2004-2005 Member of the Scientific Committee, European Journal of Comparative Economics
Since2006 Managing Editor, European Journal of ComparativeEconomics
Since2011 Member of the Editorial Board, European Journal of Law &Economics
Since 2005 Member of the Board of Editors Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues (Board members: Baumol W. J., Cowen T., Posner R. A., Liebowitz S.J., Muthoo A., Takeyama L. TowseR.)
Since2009 Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Business and IndustrialEconomics
Since 2011 Editor with Theodore Eisenberg, Cornell University, Research Handbook in Comparative Law and Economics (Cheltenham, UK-Northampton, MA, USA, Edward Elgar; delivery 2014)
Since2012 Encyclopedia of Law andEconomics
Università di Torino, Laurea in Economics and Political Sciences, 1994; Università Commerciale Bocconi Milano, Mec (Master in Economics),1997; Université Jean Moulin, Lyon 3, PhD in Economics, and Università degli Studi di Torino, Doctoral Program in Economics (PhD), 2003.
Conservatorio G. Verdi di Torino, Degree in Computer Music (Composition and technical degree), 1991; Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Lyon, Dept. SONVS, Degree in Digital signal processing, computer music and electro-acoustics, 1997 (degree accepted by a few US universities as a master in computersciences)
1995 Member of the National Research Council Group on InformationIndustry.
Since1999 Consultant in Italian AntitrustProceedings
1998-2000 Member of the M.U.R.S.T. national research group on Incomplete Contracts and Institutional Analysis
1999-2001 Member of the M.U.R.S.T. national research group on Economic Foundations of Intellectual Property andAntitrust
2000-2002 Member of the M.U.R.S.T. national research group on Comparative Institutional Analysis and InstitutionalComplexity
2003-2005 Member of the M.I.U.R. national research group on Law and Economics of Intellectual Property
2006-2008 Director of the PRIN- M.I.U.R. national research unit on Intellectual property, production of knowledge and efficient policy towards globalizationdynamics
2001 Advisor for the Forum for the Information Society, Presidency of the Italian Ministers’Council
Since2001 Advisor on copyright for the Federation of the Italian Universities(CRUI) 2003 Visiting scholar, University of California atBerkeley
2003 AdvisorEUPhareTwinning-ProjectonAnti-trust(subject:Therelationships
\between intellectual property rights and competition)
Since 2004 Member of the Editorial Board and Managing Editor of the European Journal of ComparativeEconomics
Since 2005 Member of the board of Editors, Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues
Since2006 Member of the University PatentBoard
2006-2008 Vice President elected, Society for Economic Research on CopyrightIssues
2008-2010 President elected, Society for Economic Research on CopyrightIssues
2009 Forum on The Economic Value of Intellectual Property, Ministry forHigher Education and Intellectual Property, UnitedKingdom
Since 2010 Member of the editorial board of the Journal of Industrial and Business Economics
Since2010 Member Elected of board of the Italian Society for Law andEconomics
2012 Visiting professor University of Economics, Prague (VŠE - Vysoká Škola Ekonomická
2016-18 Visiting professor Université ParisNanterre (different
1992 Banff Centre for the Arts, Alberta, Canada, Fellowship in ComputerMusic 1995, 1996 and 1997, Winner of Annual Research Awards in Economics,LIUC
1996 |
Research Grant from the Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, Torino |
2003 |
Very Honourable Mention from the PhD Examination Board |
2005 |
Grant from the Italian Education and Research Ministry for a research project of national interest |
2010 |
Research Grant from the Fondazione CRT on the market for scholarly publishing |
2002 National Conference on Antitrust and Regulation (University Cattaneo, LIUC - Castellanza, March22)
2004 International Congress of Society for Economic Research on Copyright Issues (SERCI), Turin July, 8-9 (Paul David, Stanford University and Oxford University keynotespeaker)
2004 Organizing board member and programme director, International Summer School ISER on Intellectual Property, Competition and Innovation, Siena July 12-18, Certosa di Pontignano (speakers: Paul David, F.M. Scherer, Mark Blaug, Ruth Towse, Nancy Gallini, Suzanne Scotchmer, Stan Liebowitz, Richard Watt, ecc.)
2005 Workshop on Law and Economics of Intellectual Property and Information Technology, (University Cattaneo, LIUC - Castellanza, July 22-23; Frederic M. Scherer, Harvard University, keynotespeaker)
2006 Information, Intellectual Property and Economics Welfare. The legacy to the Arrow and Nelson, Torino May 15-16, Fondazione Einaudi (speakers: Richard Nelson, Luc Soete, Eric von Hippel, Rebecca Eisenberg, Margaret Jane Radin, Hal Varian, BenjaminCoriat)
2007 Introducing Class Actions in Europe. A Comparative Law and Economics Perspective, (keynote speakers Guido Calabresi and Frederic M. Scherer, January 26-27, Alessandria, Università del PiemonteOrientale)
2008 Open Societies vs Intellectual Enclosures Innovation, Imitation and Economic Growth (speakers: Keith E. Maskus, Alessandro Nuvolari, Cristine MacLeod, Francesco Lissoni, Brett Frischmann, Michael Keren, Mikko Valimaki,Michele Boldrin, David Levine, Fabio Privileggi) October 3-4,Alessandria
2009 Efficiency and the Judiciary: Law and Economics Perspectives (Mark Ramseyer, Theodore Eisenberg, Geoffrey Miller, Kuo-Chang Huang, Valerie Hans, Stefan Voigt, Manfred Holler, , Lorenzo Sacconi, John Szmer, Robert Christensen, Theodore Pelagidis, Jeffrey Rachlinsky, Oren Gazal, Michal Gal, Alain Marciano, Hans-Bernd Schaefer) December 3-4, Collegio Carlo Alberto,Torino
2010 Società Italiana di Economia e Politica Industriale (SIEPI), Annual Conference, January 28-29, Alessandria, Università del PiemonteOrientale
2011 Società Italiania di Diritto ed Economia (SIDE), Annual Conference, December 16-17, International Program IEL – Institutions, Economics andLaw
2012 Academia & Publishing (Dietmar Harhoff, Fiona Murray, Ted Bergstrom, Mark McCabe, Stan Liebowitz,, Ted Eisenberg, Jevin West, Frank Mueller-Langer, Mario Biagioli. Alex Csizar, Gloria Origgi, Francesco Silva, March Scheufen, Bruno Frey, Margit Osterloh; Koji Domon, Andrew Odlyzko, David Prosser), May 3- June 1st, Fondazione Luigi Einaudi,Torino
2014 1° International Workshop on Economic Analysis of Litigation, Universitàdi Catania, 19 e 20giugno
2015 2° International Workshop on Economic Analysis of Litigation, Universitàdel Piemonte Orientale e Università di Torino,Torino
2016 3° International Workshop on Economic Analysis of Litigation, Universitédi Montpellier, 19 e 20giugno
2016 Società Italiana di Diritto ed Economia (SIDE), XIIAnnual Conference, 16 e 17 dicembre, International Program IEL– Institutions, Economics and Law, Torino
2017 |
4° International Workshop on Economic Analysis of Litigation, Université de |
Paris Nanterre |
2017 |
International Congress of the Society for Economic Research on Copyright Issues |
(SERCI) , 10-11, Campus Einaudi, Torino |
2018 |
5° International Workshop on Economic Analysis of Litigation, Bucerius Law |
School, Hamburg |
Contemporary Economic and Policy; Economia e Politica Industriale; Economics of Innovation and New Technology; Journal of Applied Economics; Journal of Cultural Economics; Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humains; Revue MIF, Management, Information et Finance ; Industrial and Corporate Change; European Journal of Comparative Economics; European Journal of Law and Economics; Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues; Review of Law and Economics; Journal of Environmental Planning and Management; Economic Inquiry; International Review of Law and Economics; Legisprudence; Journal of Knowledge Economy; Oxford Economic Papers, CesIFO Economics Paper, Information Economics and Policy, Evaluation Revie, Industry and Innovation; Omega, Journal of Institutional Economics, Small BusinessEconomics
Referred books and chapter of books for international publishers Tenure for a few Italian and US universities
Jury Member for Habilitation à diriger travaux de thèse, French University System
1995 |
‘Competition, prices and piracy’ (con Francesco Silva) in Benhamou F., Farchy J. and Sagot-Duvauroux D. (eds.), Approches comparatives en économie de la |
1997 |
culture, ADDEC, Paris, 658-669
‘Copyright e pirateria nel mercato fonografico’ in L’Industria, XVIII, 2, 317-339 |
1997 |
‘La natura del diritto d’autore’ (with Francesco Silva) in LIUC Papers, 44, 1-14 |
1998 |
‘Provvedimento dell’Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato N.5385(I/207): riflessioni sull’applicazione della dottrina antitrust’’ inEconomia |
e Politica Industriale, 25, 97, 203-227 |
1999 |
Dal vinile a Internet. Economia della musica tra tecnologia e diritti (with Francesco Silva), Edizioni della Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, Torino |
1999 |
‘Il mercato delle idee’ (with Francesco Silva) in Economia e Politica Industriale, 26,101-102, 291-325. |
2000 |
‘Sound Recording Market: the Ambiguous Case of Copyright and Piracy’ (with Francesco Silva) in Industrial and Corporate Change, 9, 3, 415-442. |
2000 |
‘Festival musicali ed esternalità’, in Sviluppo economico. Rivista quadrimestrale di Politica Economica, 4, 2, 101-114. |
2001 |
‘<< Abusus non tollit usum>>. Riflessioni sul caso Napster’, in Consumatori, Diritti e Mercato, 4, 1, 71-85. |
2001 |
‘Diritto d’autore, duplicazione d’informazioni e analisi economica: il caso delle |
biblioteche universitarie’, in Rivista di Biblioteconomia e Scienze dell’Informazione, 41, 4,443-454.
2001 ‘Napsteretlamusiqueenligne.LemytheduvasedePandoreserépèterait-il?’,in
Réseaux, 19, 110, 131-154.
2001 ‘Tutela della concorrenza o politica economica ? L’esperienza italiana in due casi dell’AGCM’, in Economia e Politica Industriale, 28, 112, 175-190.
2002 ‘Il diritto d’autore tra creatività e mercato’, in Economia Pubblica, 22, 1, 37-66. 2002 ‘Author’s Right, Copyright and the Market’, Revue MIF, Management,
Information, Finance, 2, 26-45.
2002 ‘Diritti esclusivi e pratiche restrittive: la difficile convivenza tra diritto d’autore e tutela della concorrenza nell’esperienza antitrust europea e italiana’, Economia e Politica Industriale, 114,147-162.
2003 Radio e Discografia, essay in Enciclopedia della Radio,Garzanti
2003 ‘Copyright and Antitrust Issues’, in Gordon W. e Watt R. (eds) The Economics of Copyright: Developments in Research and Analysis, Elgar, Cheltenham- Northampton
2003 ‘Diritti di proprietà, incentivi economici e organizzazione industriale: il diritto d’autore nella prospettiva law and economics’, Economia della Cultura, 23, 207- 217.
2003 ‘I limiti dell’intervento antitrust nel mercato bancario: stabilità, regolazione e concorrenzialità’ (with Donatella Porrini) in Bracchi G. e Masciandaro D. (eds), Oltre la crisi: le banche, le imprese e le famiglie, Edibank, Roma
2004 ‘Should We Put Them in Jail ? Copyright Infringement, Penalties and Consumers’ Behaviours: Insights from Experimental Data’, (with Maffioletti A.), Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues, 1(2) , 81-95.
2004 ‘Concorrenza nel mercato bancario: spunti di riflessione sul ruolo dell’Autorità Antitrust’, (with Donatella Porrini) in Masciandaro D. (a cura di), La competitività: le banche, l’industria finanziaria, le regole, Edibank,Roma
2005 ‘Pelle sub agnina latitat mens saepe lupina: Copyright in the Marketplace’ in Josselin J.J. e Marciano A. (eds) Law and the State. A Political Economy Approach, Edward Elgar,Cheltenham-Northampton
2005 ‘Private appropriability and Knowledge Sharing: Contradiction or Convergence ? The Opposite Tragedy of Creative Commons’, in Takeyama L., and Towse R. (eds), Developments in the Economics of Copyright, Cheltenham, UK- Northampton, MA, USA, EdwardElgar
2005 ‘Analyse économique du droit d’auteur. Droit d’auteur et économie: les origines’ in Diana Cooper-Richet, Jean-Yves Mollier et Ahmed Silem (eds), Passeurs Culturels dans le Monde des Médias et de l’Edition en Europe, Presses de l'ENSSIB (ISBN: 2-910227-59-6)
2005 ‘Competition in Banking: Switching Costs and the Limitis of Antitrust Enforcement’ (with Donatella Porrini) in Josselin J.J. e Marciano A. (eds), Law and the State. A Political Economy Approach Edward Elgar,Cheltenham-Northampton
2005 ‘Intellectual Property and the Markets of Ideas’, Review of Network Economics, 4(2),68-87 also published in Backhaus J. (ed.), The Elgar Companion in Law and Economics, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham-Northampton
2005 ‘Class Action, Mercati Finanziari e Tutela dei Risparmiatori’ (with Di Nola S. e Porrini D.) in Masciandaro D. e Bracchi G. (a cura di), Le Banche Italiane e la Finanza per lo sviluppo, Edibank, Roma
2005 ‘IPRs and the Organization of Industries. New Perspectives in Law and Economics’ (with Nicita A. e Scherer F.M.), International Journal of Economics of Business, 12, 289-296
2005 ‘Exclusivity and Antitrust in Media Markets. The Case of Pay-TV in Europe’ (with Nicita A.), International Journal of Economics of Business, 12, 371-387.
2005 ‘Property Rights, Firm Boundaries and the Republic of Science’, Industrial and Corporate Change, 14(6), 1195-1204.
2006 ‘What’s in a Sign ? Trademark Law and Economic Theory’, Journal ofEconomic Surveys, 20,547–565.
2006 ‘Information, Appropriability, and the Generation of Innovative Knowledge Four Decades After Arrow and Nelson: an Introduction’ (with Dosi G., Malerba F. and Silva F.), Industrial and Corporate Change, 15, 891-901.
2006 ‘Appropriating Signs and Meaning: The Elusive Economics ofTrademark’,
Industrial and Corporate Change, 15, 937-963.
2007 Property Rights Dynamics: A Law and Economics Perspective, (edited book with Porrini D.), Routledge, London and NewYork.
2007 ‘Property Rights Dynamics: Current Issues in Law and Economics’ in Porrini D. and Ramello G.B., Property Rights Dynamics: A Law and Economics Perspective, Routledge, London and NewYork
2007 ‘Property, Liability and Market Power: the Antitrust Side of Copyright’, (withNicita A.), Review of Law and Economics, 3,767-791.
2008 La Nuova Televisione: Economia, Mercato e Regole (with Nicita A. and Silva F.), Il Mulino, Bologna.
2008 ‘Access to vs. Exclusion from Knowledge: Intellectual Property, Efficiency and Social Justice’ in Gosserie A., Marciano A. and Strowel A. (eds), Intellectual Property and Theories of Justice, London and Basingstoke, Palgrave.
2008 ‘Exclusion, Competition and Change: the Shifting Boundaries of Television Market’ (con Silva F.), Review of Economic Research on Coyright Issues, 5, 55-74.
2008 ‘Semiotica, Diritto e Mercato. Economia del Marchio nel TerzoMillennio’,
Economia e Politica Industriale, 35, 107-125.
2009 ‘Publishing an E-Journal on a Shoe String: Is It a Sustainable Project?’ (with Cavaleri P. ; Keren M. and Valli V.), Economic Analysis and Policy, 39,89-101.
2010 ‘Intellectual Property, Social Justice and Economic Efficiency: Insights from Law and Economics’ in A. Flanagan, M.L. Montagnani (eds), Intellectual Property and Social Justice: A Law and Economics Approach, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham- Northampton
2010 ‘Copyright & Endogenous Market Structure: A Glimpse from the Journal Publishing Market’, Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues, 7,7-29.
2011 ‘Property Rights and Externalities: The Uneasy Case of Knowledge’, European Journal of Law and Economics, 31, 123-141.
2011 ‘Piani Urbanistici e Maercato dei Diritti Edificatori’, Consumatori, Diritti e Mercato, 3,83-93.
2011 ‘In the Beginning Was the Word. Now is the Copyright’, Review of Law and Economics, 7 (1) , 271-289 (with Carla Marchese)
2011 ‘Class Action and Financial Markets: Insights from Law and Economics’, Journal of Financial Economic Policy, 3 (2) (with D. Porrini),140-160.
2011 ‘The Simple Economics of Class Action: Private Provision of Club and Public Goods’ (with A. Cassone), European Journal of Law and Economics, 32 (2), 205- 224.
2012 Aggregate litigation and regulatory innovation: Another view of judicial efficiency’, International Review of Law and Economics, 32 (1),63-71
2012 The Law And Economics Of Class Actions In Europe. Lessons from America, Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, UK - Northampton, MA, USA (edited with Juergen Backhaus & AlbertoCassone)
2013 ‘The Multilayered Action of Trademark: Meaning, Law and Market’, in Miceli, T. & Baker, M. (eds) Handbook of Economics Models of Law, Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, UK - Northampton, MA,USA
2013 ‘Open Access, Social Norms & Publication Choice’ (with Migheli M. ), European Journal of Law and Economics, 35, 149-167.
2014 ‘History, statistics and theory: Frederic M. Scherer and modern Industrial Organization (with Silva F.) , Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, 41, 1- 5.
2014 ‘Consent, Choice and Guido Calabresi's Heterodox Economic Analysis ofLaw’,
Law & Contemporary Problems, 77(2), 97-112.
2014 ‘Open Access Journal & Academics’ Behaviour’ (with Migheli M. ),Economic Inquiry, 52,1250-1266
2014 ‘Judicial efficiency and entrepreneurs’ expectations on the reliability of European legal systems’, (with Ippoliti R. and Melcarne A.), European Journal of Law and Economics,DOI10.1007/s10657-014-9456-x
2014 ‘Publish or Perish: Cause e conseguenze di un paradigma’, (with Origgi G. and Silva F.) Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, 41 (4),9-25
2015 ‘Judicialproductivity,delayandefficiency:ADirectionalDistanceFunction(DDF approach’, (with Falavigna G., Ippoliti R. and Manello A.), European Journal of Operational Research, 240, 592-601
2015 ‘Judicial Independence, Judges’ Incentives and Efficiency’, (con MelcarneA.),
Review of Law and Economics, 11, 149-169.
2016 Comparative Law and Economics, Research Handbook, (con Theodore Eisenberg, eds), Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, UK - Northampton, MA,USA
2016 ‘ThePast,PresentandFutureofComparativeLawandEconomics’,inEisenberg,
Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, UK - Northampton, MA, USA
2016 Law and Economics in Europe and the U.S. The Legacy of JuergenBackhaus
(Marciano, A.) Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland.
2016 ‘The Law, The Economy, The Polity Jürgen Backhaus, A Thinker Outside the Box’ (with Josselin, J.M., Marciano, A.) in Marciano. A. e Ramello G.B. (a cura di),Law and Economics in Europe and the U.S. The Legacy of Juergen Backhaus, Springer International Publishing, Cham,Switzerland.
2017 ‘The Judge, the Academic and the Public Intellectual: the Totemic Scholarship of Richard A. Posner' (with Marciano, A.), European Journal of Law and Economics, 43, 389-392
2017 'Endongenous Recombinant Growth and Intellectual Property Rights', (with Marchese A., Marsiglio S. and Privileggi F.), Macroeconomic Dynamics (forthcoming)
2018 ‘The Market of Academic Attention’, Scientometrics, 114,113-133
2018 'DEA-based Malmquist Productivity Indexes for Understanding Courts Reform' (with Falavigna G. and Ippoliti, R.), Socio-economic Planning Science, 62, 31-43(
2018 ‘Governance of Tax Courts’ (with Ippoliti, R.), Economics of Governance 19, 317- 338
2018 ‘Bankruptcy Delay and Firms’ Dynamics’ (with Melcarne, A.), Small Business Economics (forthcoming) (Fascia A Anvur)
2018 'Entrepreneurship and Failure: Two sides of the Same Coin?', (with Eklund, J. and Levratto, N.), Small Business Economics (forthcoming)
2019 ‘The Economic Importance of Judicial Institutions, Their Performance and the Proper Way to Measure Them, (with Marciano A. and Melcarne A.), Journal of Institutional Economics, 15,81-98.
2018 'Entrepreneurship and Failure: Two sides of the Same Coin?', (with Eklund, J. and Levratto, N.), Small Business Economics (forthcoming) (Fascia A Anvur)
2019 ”Digital Piracy in Asian Countries’ (with Domon K. & MelcarneA.)
Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, 46, 117-135
2019 “Are Judges Harsher with Repeat Offenders? Evidence from the European Court of Human Rights” (with Langlais, E. and Melcarne, A.)in Chang, Yun-Chien (ed),
Sekection and Decision in Judicial Process Around the World: Empirical Inquiries, Canbridge Ubiversity Press
Empirical legal studies:
‘When Productivity Meets Justice: Evidence from Italian Courts’ (with Finn R Førsund, Sverre AC Kittelsen, Alessandro Melcarne)