Revue :: Review of Finance

xxxxx : Membre d'EconomiX
xxxxx : Chercheur associé
Merrouche Ouarda, Gambacorta Leonardo, Cornelli Giulio, Doer Sebastian, (2024), « Regulatory Sandboxes and Fintech Funding: Evidence from the UK », Review of Finance, (A paraître).
Portes Richard, Fouquau Julien, Delatte Anne-Laure, (2017), « Regime-Dependent Sovereign Risk Pricing During the Euro Crisis », Review of Finance, vol.21, n°1, pp.363-385.
Acharya Viral, Merrouche Ouarda, (2013), « Precautionary Hoarding of Liquidity and the Interbank Markets: Evidence from the Sub-Prime Crisis », Review of Finance.
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