Does the employment growth rate depend on the local context ? An analysis of French establishments over the 2004-2010 period

2016, vol.153, pp.47-89

Aziza Garsaa, Nadine Levratto

Revue d'Economie Industrielle


The issue of change in industrial structures and business strategies

2016, vol.20, pp.3-8

Blandine Laperche, Nadine Levratto

Journal of Innovation Economics & Management


Cliométrie du chômage et des salaires en France

2016, vol.31, pp.147-213

Michel-Pierre Chélini, Georges Prat

Revue Française d'Economie


Introduction : analyser les inégalités salariales entre les hommes et les femmes dans la fonction publique avec les données du Système d'information des agents des services publics

2016, vol., pp.89-95

Yannick Lhorty, Dominique Meurs

Economie et Statistique


Egalité professionnelle entre les hommes et les femmes: des plafonds de verre dans la fonction publique?

2016, vol., pp.97-121

Florent Fremigacci, Laurent Gobillon, Dominique Meurs, Sébastien Roux

Economie et Statistique


Long-Run Comovements in East Asian Stock Market Volatility

2016, vol.27, pp.969-986

Gilles de Truchis, Benjamin Keddad

Open Economies Review


Efficient Estimation Using the Characteristic Function

2016, vol., pp.0-0

Marine Carrasco, Rachidi Kotchoni

Econometric Theory


A propos de l'ouvrage de M. de Vroey: A History of Macroeconomics. From Keynes to Lucas, and Beyond

2016, vol.70, pp.151-162

Ludovic A. Julien

Cahiers d'Economie Politique


Effects of financial turmoil on financial integration and risk premia in emerging markets

2016, vol.38, pp.120-138

Salem Boubakri, Cécile Couharde, Hélène Raymond

Journal of Empirical Finance


Droit du travail, croissance et emploi : que faire ? Commentaires du point de vue de l’économie institutionnaliste

2016, vol., pp.341-350

Olivier Favereau

Droit Social


The cost of pollution on longevity, welfare and economic stability

2016, vol., pp.0-0

Natacha Raffin, Thomas Seegmuller

Environmental and Resource Economics


Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility: A typology of OECD countries

2016, vol.5, pp.14-27

Patricia Crifo, Antoine Rebérioux

Journal of Governance and Regulation


Board independence and operating performance: Analysis on (French) company and individual data

2016, vol., pp.5093-5105

Sandra Cavaco, Edouard Challe, Patricia Crifo, Antoine Rebérioux, Gwenael Roudaut

Applied Economics


Market maturity, patent renewals and the pace of innovation: the case of wind power in Germany

2016, vol.20, pp.131-150

Marc Baudry, Béatrice Dumont

Journal of Innovation Economics & Management


Energy expenditure, economic growth, and the minimum EROI of society

2016, vol.95, pp.172-186

Victor Court, Florian Fizaine

Energy Policy


Reassessing the empirical relationship between the oil price and the dollar

2016, vol.95, pp.147-157

Virginie Coudert, Valérie Mignon

Energy Policy


Food prices and inflation targeting in emerging economies

2016, vol.145, pp.108-140

Benjamin Carton, Dramane Coulibaly, Marc Pourroy

International Economics


Environmental Pollution and Biodiversity: Light Pollution and Sea Turtles in the Caribbean

2016, vol.77, pp.95-116

Michael Brei, Agustin Pérez-Barahona, Eric Strobl

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management


Regulation, institutions and productivity: new macroeconomic evidence from OECD countries

2016, vol.106, pp.109-113

Balázs Egert

American Economic Review


Rueff, Allais et le chômage d'équilibre

2016, vol.126, pp.1105-1147

Georges Prat

Revue d'Economie Politique


Walking the Tightrope: The Committee on the Behavioral Sciences and Academic Cultures at the University of Chicago, 1949–1955

2016, vol.52, pp.349-370

Philippe Fontaine

Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences


Other Histories of Recent Economics: A Survey

2016, vol.48, pp.373-421

Philippe Fontaine

History of Political Economy


The Effects of Institutions and Natural Resources in Heterogeneous Growth Regimes

2016, vol.8, pp.248-265

Yacine Belarbi, Lylia Sami, Saïd Souam

Middle East Development Journal


Is physician behavior too serious a business to be left to economics?

2016, vol., pp.0-0

Philippe Batifoulier, Nicolas Da Silva

Review of Social Economy


Jumps in equilibrium prices and asymmetric news in foreign exchange markets

2016, vol.54, pp.218-234

Imane El Ouadghiri, Remzi Uctum

Economic Modelling


Does the Formalisation of Practices Enhance Equal Hiring Opportunities? An Analysis of a French Nation-Wide Employer Survey

2016, vol.14, pp.567-589

Guillemette de Larquier, Emmanuelle Marchal

Socio-Economic Review


Evidences on Donors Competition in Africa: Traditional Donors versus China

2016, vol., pp.0-0

Eric Gabin Kilama

Journal of International Development


The influence of China and emerging donors aid allocation: A recipient perspective

2016, vol.38, pp.76-91

Eric Gabin Kilama

China Economic Review


Towards greater diversification in central bank reserves

2016, vol.17, pp.295-312

Marie Brière, Valérie Mignon, Kim Oosterlinck, Ariane Szafarz

Journal of Asset Management


Enforcement of merger control: theoretical insights for its procedural design

2016, vol.67, pp.39-51

Andreea Cosnita-Langlais

Revue Economique

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