Libéraliser ou réglementer les professions

2015, pp.46-54

Camille Chaserant, Sophie Harnay

Problèmes Économiques


La prestation de services internationale, objet du droit et de l’économie ? Le cas des professions juridiques

2015, vol.janvier, pp.65-76

Jean-Sylvestre Bergé, Camille Chaserant, Sophie Harnay

Journal du droit international


Economics and the Law in Europe in the 20th century – History and Methodology – Introduction

2015, vol.23, pp.11-17

Sophie Harnay, Thierry Kirat

History of Economic Ideas


A short history of the economic analysis of law in France 1980-2010 – preliminary milestones

2015, vol.23, pp.121-146

Sophie Harnay

History of Economic Ideas


Monnaie et souveraineté ; comment compléter l'euro ?

2015, vol.2, pp.28-41

Michel Aglietta

Economie Politique


Erosion du tissu productif en France. Causes et remèdes


Michel Aglietta, xavier ragot

Revue de l'OFCE


La pertinence de l’anthropologie économique face à une économie intégrant les concepts de l’anthropologie : l’exemple des normes sociales

2015, vol.59-60, pp.151-167

Alice Nicole Sindzingre

Cahiers de Sociologie économique et culturelle


Whatever Inconsistencies and Effects? Explaining the Resilience of the Policy Reforms Applied to Developing Countries

2015, vol.44, pp.159-178

Alice Nicole Sindzingre

Forum for Social Economics


Revisiting the nexus between currency misalignments and growth in the CFA Zone

2015, vol.45, pp.142-153

Carl Grekou

Economic Modelling


Domestic creditors as last lenders in debt crises: a simple model with multiple equilibria

2015, vol.35, pp.2915-2928

Pauline Gandré

Economics Bulletin


The role of network bridging organisations in compensation payments for agri-environmental services under the EU Common Agricultural Policy

2015, vol.119, pp.24-38

Tom Dedeurwaerdere, Paolo Melindi-Ghidi, Audrey Polard

Ecological Economics


Time spent on New Songs: Word of Mouth and Price Effects on Teenager Consumption

2015, vol.39, pp.205-218

Noémi Berlin, Anna Bernard, Guillaume Fürst

Journal of Cultural Economics


On the Size of the Government Spending Multiplier in the Euro Area

2015, vol.67, pp.531-552

Patrick Fève, Jean-Guillaume Sahuc

Oxford Economic Papers


The determinants of recidivism among ex-prisoners : a survival analysis on French data

2015, vol.39, pp.37-56

Benjamin Monnery

European Journal of Law and Economics


Gender differences in French GPs' activity: the contribution of quantile regressions

2015, vol.16, pp.421-435

Magali Dumontet, Carine Franc

European Journal of Health Economics


Modelling regional water demand in Tunisia using panel cointegration second generation tests

2015, vol.13, pp.237-251

Nidhaleddine Ben Cheikh, Younes Ben Zaied

Journal of Quantitative Economics


Long-run versus short-run analysis of climate change impacts on agricultural crops

2015, vol.20, pp.259-271

Nidhaleddine Ben Cheikh, Younes Ben Zaied

Environmental Modeling and Assessment


Modelling seasonality in residential water demand: the case of Tunisia

2015, vol.49, pp.1966-1983

Younes Ben Zaied, Marie Estelle Binet

Applied Economics


Advances and Challenges in Decision-Making, Monetary Policy and Financial Markets

2015, vol.52, pp.0-0

Gilles Dufrénot, Fredj Jawadi

Economic Modelling


Testing and Modeling Jump Contagion across International Stock Markets: A Nonparametric Intraday Approach

2015, vol.26, pp.64-84

Karim Cheffou, Fredj Jawadi, Wael Louhichi

Journal of Financial Markets


Cost Sharing and Bankruptcy Law Orientation

2015, vol.27, pp.181-207

Nicolae Stef

Research in Law and Economics


How Much Do Cartels Overcharge

2015, vol.47, pp.119-153

Marcel Boyer, Rachidi Kotchoni

Review of Industrial Organization


The impact of judiciary efficiency on entrepreneurial action : a European perspec- tive

2015, vol.44, pp.55-74

Roberto Ippoliti, Alessandro Melcarne, Giovanni Battista Ramello

Economic Notes


Judicial Independence, Judges’ Incentives and Efficiency

2015, vol.11, pp.149-169

Alessandro Melcarne, Giovanni Battista Ramello

Review of Law and Economics


Judicial Efficiency and Entrepreneurs’ Expectations on the Reliability of European Legal Systems

2015, vol.40, pp.75-94

Roberto Ippoliti, Alessandro Melcarne, Giovanni Battista Ramello

European Journal of Law and Economics


Quelles sont les causes et les conséquences d'un défaut sur la dette publique ?

2015, vol.2, pp.101-116

Jean-Pierre Allegret

Regards Croisés sur l'Économie


The 90% public debt threshold: the rise and fall of a stylized fact

2015, vol.47, pp.3756-3770

Balázs Egert

Applied Economics


Public debt, economic growth and nonlinear effects: Myth or reality?

2015, vol.43, pp.226-238

Balázs Egert

Journal of Macroeconomics


Do exemptions from social security contributions affect job creation ? New empirical evidence from French overseas regions

2015, vol., pp.0-0

Aziza Garsaa, Nadine Levratto, Luc Tessier

Région et Développement


La croissance des PME est-elle favorisée par les Business Angels ? Une analyse à partir du cas français en 2008 et 2009

2015, vol.49, pp.141-176

Nadine Levratto, Luc Tessier

Innovations : revue d’économie du management et de l’innovation

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