Un siècle et demi d’activité-titres des banques commerciales américaines. Un plaidoyer pour l’unité et la plasticité du système de financement

2012, vol., pp.49-70

Michel Boutillier, Nathalie Lévy, Valérie Oheix

Revue d'Economie Financière


De la responsabilité individuelle aux priorités collectives. Une analyse des politiques de la demande en santé

2012, vol., pp.0-0

Philippe Batifoulier

Éthique et économiqueEthics and Economics


Dutch diease in the post-soviet countries of central and south-west Asia: How contagious is it?

2012, vol.23, pp.571-584

Balázs Egert

Journal of Asian Economics


Labour Market Reforms and Outcomes in Estonia

2012, vol.54, pp.103-120

Zuzana Brixiova, Balázs Egert

Comparative Economic Studies


Is price dynamics homogeneous across Eurozone countries?

2012, vol.27, pp.609-632

David Guerreiro, Marc Joëts, Valérie Mignon

Journal of Economic Integration


La complémentarité des dispositifs et des effets : problème pour l’évaluation des Politiques Publiques Territoriales ?

2012, vol.29, pp.167-189

Denis Carré, Nadine Levratto

Politiques et Management Public


On the relationship between forward prices of crude oil and domestic fuel: A panel data cointegration approach

2012, vol., pp.0-0

Marc Joëts

International Economics


Stackelberg-Cournot and Cournot equilibria in a mixed markets exchange economy

2012, vol.2, pp.300-306

Ludovic A. Julien

Theoretical Economics Letters


On hierarchical competition in oligopoly

2012, vol.107, pp.217-237

Ludovic A. Julien, Olivier Musy, Aurélien Saïdi

Journal of Economics


On the impact of US subsidies on world cotton prices: a meta-analysis approach

2012, vol., pp.0-0

David Guerreiro

Journal of International Trade and Economic Development


Indirect Effects of a Policy Altering Criminal Behavior: Evidence from the Italian Prison Experiment

2012, vol., pp.0-0

Francesco Drago, Roberto Galbiati

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics


The tax evasion social multiplier: Evidence from Italy

2012, vol.96, pp.485-494

Roberto Galbiati, Giulio Zanella

Journal of Public Economics


Sampling Error and Double Shrinkage Estimation of Minimum Variance Portfolios

2012, vol.19, pp.511-527

Bertrand Candelon, Christophe Hurlin, Sessi Tokpavi

Journal of Empirical Finance


Macroeconomic Policy in DSGE and Agent-Based Models

2012, vol., pp.0-0

Giorgio Fagiolo, Andrea Roventini

Revue de l'OFCE


On the Scientific Status of Economic Policy: A Tale of Alternative Paradigms

2012, vol.27, pp.0-0

Giorgio Fagiolo, Andrea Roventini

Knowledge Engineering


Prévention en santé et ambiguïté

2012, vol.64, pp.0-0

Johanna Etner, Augustin Tabo

Revue Economique


Capital Allocation and International Equilibrium with Pollution Permits

2012, vol.3, pp.0-0

Pierre-André Jouvet, Gilles Rotillon

Modern Economy


Learning-by-doing and the costs of a backstop for energy transition ans sustainability

2012, vol.73, pp.0-0

Pierre-André Jouvet, Ingmar Schumacher

Ecological Economics


When transparency goes against efficiency: fiscal equalization in a context of household and firm mobility

2012, vol.14, pp.99-130

Pascale Duran-Vigneron

Journal of Public Economic Theory


A New Theorem to Find Berge Equilibria

2012, vol.14, pp.1-10

Olivier Musy, Antonin Pottier, Tarik Tazdaït

International Game Theory Review


Formation et déformation de la courbe de Kuznets environnementale pour les émissions de CO2

2012, vol.37, pp.11-26

Thomas Jobert, Fatih Karanfil

INNOVATIONS, Cahiers d'Économie de l'Innovation


Children's environmental health, education and economid development

2012, vol.45, pp.996-1022

Natacha Raffin

Canadian Journal of Economics / Revue canadienne d'économique


Le séjour du Physiocrate Lemercier de la Rivière en Russie (1767-1768)

2012, vol.44, pp.0-0

Bernard Herencia

Dix-Huitième Siècle


Towards a practical approach to responsible innovation in finance: New Product Committees revisited

2012, vol.20, pp.147-168

Margareth Amstrong, Stéphane Delacôte, Marc Lenglet, Yuval Millo, Fabian Muniesa, Alexandre Pointier, Yamina Tadjeddine

Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance


Stackelberg-Walras and Cournot-Walras equilibria in mixed markets: a comparison

2012, vol.2, pp.59-64

Ludovic A. Julien

Theoretical Economics Letters


Does the banking sector structure matter for credit procyclicality

2012, vol.29, pp.1035-1044

Vincent Bouvatier, Antonia Lopez Villavicencio, Valérie Mignon

Economic Modelling


Stratégie environnementale, innovation et mutation des firmes

2012, vol., pp.127-154

Blandine Laperche, Gilliane Lefebvre

INNOVATIONS, Cahiers d'Économie de l'Innovation


Modelling Hedge Fund Exposure to Risk Factors

2012, vol.29, pp.1003-1018

Fredj Jawadi, Sabrina Khanniche

Economic Modelling


Introduction to Time-Varying Modeling with Macroeconomic and Financial Data

2012, vol.16, pp.1-9

Fredj Jawadi

Macroeconomic Dynamics


Social wealth and optimal care

2012, vol.32, pp.271-284

Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci, Eric Langlais

International Review of Law and Economics

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