Air traffic energy efficiency differs from place to place: new results from a macro-level approach

2012, vol., pp.31-58

Julien Chevallier, Benoît Chèze, Pascal Gastineau

International Economics


Reproduction and temporary disequilibrium: a Classical approach

2012, vol.63, pp.614-633

Carlo Benetti, Christian Bidard, Edith Klimovsky, Antoine Rebeyrol



The Banking School and the law of reflux in general

2012, vol.44, pp.595-618

Laurent Le Maux

History of Political Economy


Fractionnements et crises du National Banking System, Etats-Unis, 1863-1913

2012, vol., pp.25-48

Laurent Le Maux

Revue d'Economie Financière


Les déterminants des prix du carbone : une comparaison entre les phases I et II

2012, vol.63, pp.601-610

Anna Creti, Pierre-André Jouvet, Valérie Mignon

Revue Economique


La dynamique d’ajustement des taux de change réels dans la zone Franc CFA

2012, vol.63, pp.545-555

Cécile Couharde, Issiaka Coulibaly, Olivier Damette

Revue Economique


“Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who in this land is fairest of all?” — Distributional sensitivity in the measurement of socioeconomic inequality of health

2012, vol., pp.0-0

Philip Clarke, Guido Erreygers, Tom Van Ourti

Journal of Health Economics


Carbon Price Drivers: Phase I versus Phase II Equilibrium?

2012, vol.34, pp.327-334

Anna Creti, Pierre-André Jouvet, Valérie Mignon

Energy Economics


Nonlinearities in carbon spot-futures price relationships during Phase II of the EU ETS

2012, vol.29, pp.884-892

Mohamed El Hedi Arouri, Fredj Jawadi, Duc Khuong Nguyen

Economic Modelling


The impact of the financial crisis on the exchange risk premium dynamics within the G20: Evidence from the ICAPM

2012, vol.55, pp.0-0

Salem Boubakri

Brussels Economic Review / Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles


Currency Depreciations, Financial Transfers, and Firm Heterogeneity

2012, vol.13, pp.26-41

Michael Brei, Matthieu Charpe

Emerging Markets Review


Characterizing South-East Asian Stock Market Integration through Time

2012, vol.17, pp.100-112

Khaled Guesmi

International Journal of Business


L'or est-il une valeur refuge contre les pertes en bourse ?

2012, vol.63, pp.993-1011

Virginie Coudert, Hélène Raymond

Revue Economique


Beyond Altruism? Economics and the Minimization of Unselfish Behavior, 1976–1993

2012, vol.44, pp.195-234

Philippe Fontaine

History of Political Economy


Do Remedies Affect the Efficiency Defense? An Optimal Merger-Control Analysis

2012, vol.30, pp.58-66

Andreea Cosnita-Langlais, Jean-Philippe Tropeano

International Journal of Industrial Organization


Horizontal market concentration: Theoretical insights from the spatial models

2012, vol.66, pp.22-32

Andreea Cosnita-Langlais

Research in Economics


Salaire, prix et taux de profit dans un modèle classique en déséquilibre

2012, vol., pp.0-0

Edith Klimovsky, Olivier Rosell

Cahiers d'Economie Politique


Optimal Economic Capital and Investment Decisions for a Non-Life Insurance Company

2012, vol.119, pp.0-0

Catherine Bruneau, Selim Mankai

Bankers, Markets & Investors (ex-Banque et Marchés)


Monthly GDP forecasting using bridge models: Comparison from the supply and demand sides for the French economy

2012, vol.64, pp.53-70

Karim Barhoumi, Olivier Darné, Laurent Ferrara, Bertrand Pluyaud

Bulletin of Economic Research


Fisher, Macauly et Allais face au 'Paradoxe de Gibson'

2012, vol.78, pp.1-106

Jean-Jacques Durand, Georges Prat

Recherches Economiques de Louvain / Louvain Economic Review


Business Environment, Start-Ups, And Productivity During Transition (with Zuzana Brixiova)

2012, vol.16, pp.213-231

Balázs Egert

Macroeconomic Dynamics


Provisioning rules and bank lending: A theoretical model

2012, vol.8, pp.25-31

Vincent Bouvatier, Laetitia Lepetit

Journal of Financial Stability


Currency Misalignments and Growth: A New Look using Nonlinear Panel Data Methods

2012, vol.44, pp.3503-3511

Sophie Béreau, Antonia Lopez Villavicencio, Valérie Mignon

Applied Economics


Does OPEC still exist as a cartel? An empirical investigation

2012, vol.34, pp.125-131

Vincent Brémond, Emmanuel Hache, Valérie Mignon

Energy Economics


Bagehot for beginners: The Making of Lending of Last Resort Operations in the Mid-19th Century

2012, vol.65, pp.580-608

Vincent Bignon, Marc Flandreau, Stefano Ugolini

Economic History Review


Wandering from the Borderlands of Social Sciences: Gary Becker's "The Economics of Discrimination

2012, vol., pp.0-0

Jean-Baptiste Fleury

History of Political Economy


Arbitrage Costs and Nonlinear Stock Price Adjustment in the G7 Countries

2012, vol.44, pp.1561-1582

Fredj Jawadi, Georges Prat

Applied Economics


The slow convergence of per capita income between the developing countries: ‘growth resistance’ and sometimes ‘growth tragedy’

2012, vol.64, pp.470-508

Gilles Dufrénot, Valérie Mignon, Théo Naccache

Bulletin of Economic Research


Market price mechanisms and Stackelberg general equilibria: an example

2012, vol.64, pp.239-252

Ludovic A. Julien, Fabrice Tricou

Bulletin of Economic Research


The Long Term Educational Cost of War: Evidence from Landmine Contamination in Cambodia


Ouarda Merrouche

Journal of Development Studies

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