Photo Thi Kim Cuong Pham



Thèmes de recherche

  • arrow_right Economie publique
  • arrow_right Economie du développement
  • arrow_right Economie comportementale

Axe de recherche

    Transitions, Environnement, Énergie, Institutions, Territoires

HAL science ouverte


Research interests

- Public economics (environmental regulations, government behavior, taxation)

- Behavioral economics (relative utility, social interaction, subjective well-being)

- Development economics (economic growth, status-seeking, foreign aid)


Current situation

- Since 2020: Professor, Departement of economics, University of Paris Nanterre

- Since 2012: Member of the Labex program IDGM+ (Initiative pour le développement et la gouvernance mondiale) carried by FERDI (Clermont Ferrand, France) in partnership with CERDI and IDRRI.

- Titulaire de la PEDR

- 2022: SMI-CNRS


Previous professional appointments


- 2019 : CNU-05, qualification for Professor position

- February-July 2020 and February-July 2021: CNRS-Fellowship of research activities, (Délégation CNRS)

- September 2007 - August 2020 : Assoc. Professor, Université de Strasbourg.

- September 2005 - August 2007 : Assoc. Professor, Université de Clermont-Ferrand I.

- Septembre 2003 - Août 2005 : ATER, Université Louis Pasteur-Strasbourg I.


- 2017 : French Accreditation to Supervise Doctoral Research (HDR), University of Strasbourg.

- 2001-2004 : Ph.D. in Economics. Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg
- 2000-2001 : Post-graduate in Economic Analysis (DEA Analyse économique), Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg.
- 1999-2000: MSc in Statistics and Econometrics, Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg


Collective responsibilities



- Co-responsible of Master 1 Economie de l'Environnement, de l'Energie et des Transports (EEET), Université Paris Nanterre-Université Paris Saclay, 2021-.

- Member of editorial board of Revue d'Economie du Développement, 2024-

- Member of the scientific board, Center for Advanced Studies in Economics and Data Science (CASED) (Vietnam), 2020-

- Member of the Observatoire des Politiques Economique en Europe (OPEE, Université de Strasbourg), 2022-


- Co-responsible of the research team ``Macroéconomie et Politiques Publiques'' of BETA, 2018-2020.
- Member
of the scientific board of BETA, 2018-2020.
- Member of the council of BETA, 2018-2020.

- Member of recruitment committees for associate professor: University of Strasbourg (2017, 2018, 2018), University of Paris Nanterre (2022).

- Vice-president of the pedagogical office of the Faculty of economics and management, University of Strasbourg, 2018-2020.

- Co-responsible of Magistère Génie Économique, Faculty of economics and management, University of Strasbourg, 2018-2020.

- President of jury of L2 Economics and Management (2012-2014), University of Strasbourg


- Présidente du jury de baccalauréat 2008 et 2018, Académie de Strasbourg; 2006, Académie de Clermont Ferrand

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